As presented in yesterday’s devotional, classifying Christianity among religion remains the greatest erroneous misinterpretation ever made in the world. Many Christians have aided the world view, putting Christianity as religion by not giving the world the actual position of Christianity in terms of “relationships” and fellowshipping harmoniously of human beings. As touched in yesterday’s devotional, while talking of morals, Christianity has the best teachings in morality. Moral is not mainly about sexual relationship but covers relationships in terms of good conducts. This is why a person who lives on clean life styles avoiding any thing that mars integrity is said to be a moralist. It will be considered immoral to see a human being eating human meat publicly. It will be considered immoral if one is seen eating raw flesh chicken without cooking it. Christianity has provisions of laws covering all this, making it genuine.
Christianity provides healthy position of good relationship between fathers, mothers and children. Children are told to honour their fathers and mothers so that their days will be long on the earth (Exod. 20: 12). Christianity asked the mothers to be submissive to their husbands and also, husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Eph. 5: 22-25). Christianity asks the fathers (mothers inclusive) to treat their children with honour (Eph. 6: 4). Slaves and their masters are told how to live honouring and treating one another (Eph. 6: 5 – 9). Religion places men far ahead women, but not Christianity. All that Christianity is after is sweet relationship between all human beings. These indeed are facts that exist amongst Christians, even though some refuse to acknowledge it. Every good Christians knows how to take care of the less privileged. The world criticized the Christians of not living charitable lives anyways.
Christianity proved her worth as an institution of relationships and fellowshipping together harmoniously by accepting the laws for equity and fairness. Many religious bodies delighted themselves in creating or approving social difference between the affluence people and the “outcasts”. Religion favourably approves social, tribal, national superiorities and dominance, but not Christianity. Christianity shows itself real by believing and teaching that there ought not to be racial, tribal and national differences between human beings. Those promoting this dichotomy are going against ethics and norms of Christianity. Is this not real? Those who will be sincere can agree that Christianity put relationship of equity in place in the world. We will see more in the concluding part of this series in tomorrow’s devotional.
HOLY AND GREAT FATHER, save the world from believes which create enmities, hates, fears and divisions amongst the people you brought into this world in the name of Jesus Christ. Instruct your Holy Spirit, the great teacher to teach Christians how to be in sweet relationship with themselves and the people of the world in the name of Jesus.