Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Abuja celebrates the successful completion of Four Open-Heart Surgeries.

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25th February 2022 marks history in the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Abuja as it celebrates the successful completion of 4 Open-Heart Surgeries.

The Medical Director, Prof. Saad Ahmed while addressing the press, said that the celebration was necessary to show that effort is being made to improve the health sector.

The Medical Director added that the Open-Heart Surgery has come to the FMC Abuja to stay, explaining that the service would help stop the medical tourism that Nigerians often embark on.

He thanked the Save-a-heart foundation for the assistance in terms of skill and knowledge transfer amongst other areas. He assured that the FMC Abuja team will continue to put all hands on deck to ensure sustainability.

Furthermore, the team leader, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Director, Affordable Open-Heart Surgery, Dr Onyekwelu Nzewi, commended FMC Abuja for keeping to its own part of the MoU signed.

He assured of continuous training and retraining of the FMC Abuja team to enable them be independent in carrying out the Open-Heart Surgery, as well as continuous support front from Save-a-heart Foundation.

The event climaxed with visits to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where all four patients are in the recovery phase. They all expressed satisfaction in the high level of service delivery since admission.

Congratulations to the Medical Director for raising the bars high in terms of achievements, in just 2 years.

One thought on “Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Abuja celebrates the successful completion of Four Open-Heart Surgeries.

  1. FMC Abuja are known for their resilience and being pase setters. This is another milestone in the goal of achieving end to medical tourism in Nigeria………….. Neph.Nurse E.U Iwuanyanwu

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