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Yesterday’s devotional ended with instructing readers to use the wealth and riches God allows them to possess for blessing people and in spreading the words of God. Today’s devotional is building on yesterday’s discussion by telling readers to see wealth and riches as gifts from God and from their power and strength. This is how King David saw his riches and wealth. He told God: “Wealth and honour come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all” (1 Chronicles 29: 12 NIV). The message of Jesus Christ of serving God and Mammon illustrated the negative influence of wealth on the spirituality value as loving riches and wealth drags us away from God. Mammon used in Luke 16: 13 came from Aramaic word that means riches. The hidden knowledge here is that we should refuse placing our hearts on money, riches and wealth above God our makers.

Another Biblical view on wealth and riches in the New Testament is that all riches and wealthy Christians are to see their riches and wealth in through Jesus Christ through who God supplies all their needs (Phil. 4: 19). The love of money most often, gives people restless mind and spirit of insatiability. Those with love of money are hardly contended with what they have against Apostle Paul’s teaching that “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. 6: 6). Apostle Paul would like every Christian to be contended with whatever they have. Any Christian dominated with spirit of love of money will surely be tempted to commit fraud. Jesus knew that people with great wealth and riches would find it difficult to make heaven, reason He said that “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eyes of a needle than for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of God (Luke 18: 24 – 25).

Today’s devotional presents to the readers the Biblical view on wealth and riches. Christians who God blesses should not allow their blessings drag them away from God. All blessings for a Christian should be seen as God’s gifts and for purposes of making lives better for the less privileged. Christians are not to use their riches and wealth for oppressing people or committing evils with their blessings. Christians are to always take their eyes away from the values of their wealth and riches, instead see their blessings as valuables for stewardship.


Pray, asking God for supernatural blessings from above upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. In the prayer, tell God how you will use the blessings to help people and assist in the propagation of the Gospel.


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