Yesterday’s devotional acknowledged that there are cries from the poor, the oppressed and the afflicted everywhere globally. It was stated that God hears the cries of these group of people in the society still today. The afflicters and the oppressors go about taking advantages of the oppressed, the afflicted and the poor because of their status. They are oppressed, afflicted and mistreated because one thinks they have no helpers. However, fact about existence of their rescuer is that someone values them. Some of the oppressed and the afflicted never knew that they are valued by a Highest Being who owns the heaven and the earth. The oppressed and the afflicted and to knowing this fact and how to use it to get attention from God over their plights is the main focus of this devotional.
The first thing to know if you think you oppressed and treated with ignominy by people is that you are “precious” to God. Psalm 72: 14 says: “He will redeem them from oppression and violence for their lives are precious to Him” (Africa Study Bible). There could be truth if it is opined that greater number of people these days feel forsaken, neglected, oppressed and abandoned. They might have, therefore, dismissed themselves from being precious in the eyes of people and God. However, the passage above has a different information for them. The good news is that you are precious before God. And, He is ever ready to redeem you from whatever unfortunate condition you find yourself in. The knowledge of being precious before God should encourage us to do the second thing, when discovered been oppressed.
The second thing we who think or believed we are downtrodden, mistreated, neglected, afflicted and oppressed is crying on to God. Crying unto God means, lifting up your voice speaking to God to see what you are passing through. Crying unto God involves, praying and presenting your ugly situation to God for His help. The crying unto God here does not mean crying sorrowing aimlessly and dejectedly. We cry to God for our problems when we wait upon Him, meaning patiently talking to Him about our problems and wait in hope till He responds. The Psalmist says: “I wait patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned and heard my cry” (Psa. 40: 1 Africa Study Bible). The beloved, if you know yourself that you are serving God rightly, you do not have to think God does not answer your cries. As long as you live rightly with God He is ready to listen to your cries and help you: “The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right; His ears are open to their cries for help” (Psa. 34: 15 Africa Study Bible).
Pray and present all your feelings of being oppressed, afflicted and mistreated by people to God. Tell Him how dejected you are and how happy you will be if He answers your cries. Then ask Him to redeem you and avenge your oppressors in Jesus name.