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Yesterday’s devotional explained how specifically thrilling Jesus’ invitation to those who labour and heavy laden received high recommendations from some servants of God. Today’s devotional pitches its tents with Jesus’ invitation asking people to take upon themselves His yoke. One may be wondering why Jesus should tell people who are already loaded with various kinds of problems and challenges to take His yoke. This is because many literally understand ‘yoke’ to be suffering from Satanic afflictions; or, bound together by spiritual torments. It could not, in a real sense, make good meaning for Jesus, asking people to take His yoke upon them again. But Jesus saw His yoke differently.

According to one David E. Owen, the word ‘yoke’ used in this passage was derived from Greek word “zugo”; which is used metaphorically for any burden or bondage. Jesus Christ had seen how people were under slavery of one sort or the other. Jesus saw people entangled with yokes of bondage by the Pharisees, political leaders of the time and religious heads subjecting people to man-made-laws in the Temples. Many sects are in many religious groups with various kind of laws; making the worshippers overwhelm with legalism rather than freedom of worshipping God in Spirit and truth. Jesus’ yoke He asked people to come and take is not heavy bondage but easy and light. Apostle Paul told the Galatia Christians that there is liberty we receive from Jesus which made us free. This liberty does not entangle us with yoke of bondage any more (Gal. 5: 1).

In this invitation, Jesus made it clear that His yoke is easy and light. Rather than forcing us to carry the yoke alone, Jesus helps us to bear it. Instead of overburdening us, Jesus takes action to alleviating our burdens. Rather than playing the boss, allowing us to carry all the burdens, He humbled Himself in meekness by carrying the overload of yokes for us. Reason He said His yoke is light and easy. The Greek word for this easy is “chrestos” meaning “good or serviceable.” Jesus’ yoke, according to Vincent’s New Testament Word Studies, is serviceable and kindly. The beloved, fact is, every human is carrying yokes of evil forces and human legalities that bear uncomfortable burdens on all. Jesus’ lovely invitation to come and take upon you, His yoke, should be accepted by you today. He is willing, able, humble and kind to carry the heaviest ends of your troubles, pains and sorrows!


LORD JESUS, I am actually tied of carrying the bondage of yokes of this world. The more I carry them, the heavier they are on my body. I have therefore, harken to your call today. Lighten up my burdens and easy it out for me. Amen


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