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This topic “God of Wonders” in these series is very deep and wide that no matter how it is serialized, very little will be achieved out of it. There is no controversy to conclude that every human being that has breath knows there is a “Supreme Being” with several local names. This Supreme Being is generally known in English Language as GOD. God is not only a Supreme Being but a Being that everything about Him beats human imagination when beholding His numerous deeds on the earth. There are so many things God did which an ordinary man cannot explain without awe, surprise, enigma, confusion etc. This simply gives God a name of “God of Wonders.” The creation of human beings, animals, birds, insects, rocks, the galaxies in the sky as well as the tiniest being bear God’s intricate natures of designs and functions. Today’s devotional dwells much on explaining how God is God Of Wonders. All explanations here are based on Biblical sources of two Hebrew and Greek words each.

The Hebrews have two selected words which are ‘mowpheth’ and ‘pala’. The Greek has two selected words which are ‘thaumasios’ and ‘magleios.’ In the Old Testament, Moses said the Lord brought them out of Egypt “…great terror and with miraculous signs and wonders” (Deut. 26: 8). The word translated “wonders” here is from Hebrew word mowpheth meaning “a splendid work.” Another Hebrew word rendered ‘wonders’ is “pala” or “pele”. It means “marvelous deeds”. This is the word used for ‘doing wonders’ in Exod. 15: 11). In the New Testament the Greek word “thaumasios” is used for “wonderful things” in Matthew 21: 15. The Greek word “magleois” was used in Acts 2: 11 and it means “mighty deeds.” We will be seeing God as “God Of Wonders” all through the series of this devotionals. If human beings can look God’s creative works on the earth with thoughtful and awesome analysis, no one would say there is no God.

From general angles, how can we explain the massive rocks standing on mountainous regions, some neatly arranged standing delicately on top of others without falling off. Have we give it a deep thought seeing how porous water is, yet at its vexation on flooding day it destroys mountains, houses and anything standing on its ways? Can we think same about the air that passes by cooling our burning skins? The same little air changes to winds and hurricane that could destroy lives and properties. While in aircraft, have you ever looked out and see wonder works of God displayed on Mountain tops, skies above your aircraft, the appearance of the oceans fly past and many more? Who puts all these in place? He is God Of Wonders” of course! God captured this clearly when he said about God Of Wonder that “He doeth great things and unsearchable things; wonders without number” (Job 5: 9). Job said again: “He does wonders, more than may be searched out; great tings of which we have no knowledge” (Job 37: 5). Follow us to the second series tomorrow.


Oh Jehovah Father, I want to know you more as God Of Wonders in the name of Jesus Christ.


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