Children of God have ever been in the theater of difficult times. The world has ever selected believers in the God of Abraham, the true Almighty God for attacks and molestation. History books are filled with records of God’s children been killed, maimed, dehumanized, have their properties confiscated or destroyed and other related inhuman treatments. God’s children have had several occasions where their hearts melted, slept and woke up with confusion why should God allowed evils come their ways. Prophet Habakkuk got there. The Bible captured his confused state of mind in Habakkuk 1: 2 – 4. But as one who knows the might of the God he serves, he said he will wait patiently for the day that God will bring calamity upon the nation invading them. This should be the response from Christians at times of difficult moments.
Yesterday’s devotional said that people who cry and murmur in times of difficult moments never win over the hard times. Terrible things have happened in this world and more are yet to happen. Many have had reason to ask God why He allows evils happen to good people, or, allows evil people prosper while the righteous suffer. Instead of asking question such as this, we should do well by asking God to give us surefooted confidence through the difficult times. At the proper time, God will bring about His justice and completely rid the world of evil. This is what many do not want to hear. Of course, this statement is not for the unbelieving hearts, but those who genuinely believe in God and the power of the resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ.
The beloveth, your condition might be truly very difficult and pathetic, but know that God is alive and is in control of the entire world and its events. We might not see all that God is doing, and cannot see all that He will do. But let us be confident like Job who said “…I will wait till my change comes” (Job 14: 14). This devotional can assure you that God is God and will do what is right to rescue you out of your supposed hopeless conditions. Please be hopeful, faithful to God and confident in this terrible and confused world. God still keeps those worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth safe somewhere else. He will release them at His appointed time to carry out His plans to recover the world from the hands of the evil ones. May you be found among these people at the time!
All faithful and trustworthy Father, tragedies and evils have overwhelmed the world seriously. Many are giving up faith and hope. Kindly grant us confidence to wait on you in Jesus name.