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As learnt in yesterday devotional, open mind is not sound mind. Open mind has so many descriptions. We can look at the characteristics of an open minded people in these ways. (1).They are people who are curious to hear what others think. (2). People who can be able to have their ideas challenged. (3). Open minded people do not feel angry when they are wronged. (4). People of open mindedness have empathy (feel concern) for other peoples’ problems. (5) They consider what other people are thinking and not what they think as such. (6) They are people who are humble about their own knowledge and expertise. They never impose themselves on others arrogantly. (7) They believe that others have a right to share their beliefs and thoughts. It will be seen now why it was said yesterday that “open mind is a virtue.” It is fitting to say therefore, that every Christian should see it as a priority to develop “open mindedness as that will make them influence the world positively.

Biblical view reveals that, a person of open mind does not think in futility of the heart or darken his/her understanding. People of closed mind block their hearts against knowledge seems strange to them. They dwell in their ignorance, hardening their hearts with evidence of lose in all sensitivities. Apostle Paul likened them to Gentiles, that is those not believing in God (Eph. 4: 18). We can deduce from Psalm 51: 10 that people of open mind seek ways to gain right spirit. An educated mind is a reservoir of good or right spirit. Reason King David prayed to God to create in him a clean heart and renew a right Spirit within him.

Christians are to know that the world is a dynamic system. Every living person is seeking knowledge and researching into new things every second of the day. It is high time for Christians to avail themselves of flexible mind to read, research into hidden truth to enhance their academic horizons. Many Christians may not buy this point. But it is vital indeed. At every era of a new technology is introduced, many Christians tagged “Sign of End Time” without searching deeper into knowing how it is really programmed. The unbelievers always gain upper hands in this and reap the benefits attached to it. It is no wonder the Bible says God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4: 6). Let us therefore, helps ourselves to gain more knowledge and understanding through “Open Mind.”


LORD JESUS, you actually said that the children of this world are wiser than the children of the Kingdom. On daily bases, they are gaining knowledge over Christians. Kindly raise within us the consciousness to search into getting new ideas and experiences in Jesus mighty name.


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