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The world we live in is full of men and women of different classes, males and females, tall people and short people, thin and fat people, literate and illiterate people, skilled and unskilled people as well as gifted people in different occupations. God never made mistakes in creating people these ways. There are bodies of different races, tribes and nations in the world too, living together to effect harmonious relationships. Apostle Paul when trying to drive home his teaching on why people should live and work together harmoniously likened the body of Christ (all Christians globally) to the ordinary body of human beings. He summed it up by saying that every part of human being is as important as the other. Today’s devotional is set to use Apostle Paul’s view in addressing the disharmonious relationships existing among human beings on the earth today.

Globally, and from inception of creation, many human beings have instituted inequalities and “superiority complex” in relating with others. We have created Very Important People (VIPs). We have created caste classes, the rich and wealthy people, and the poor and very poor people. We have created wild gap between the educated and uneducated from same spheres of human beings God created for harmonious relationships. The religious organizations have caused much harm to the world as each placed itself above others superiority wise. The beauty of life is found in the ways God created all of us differently. God never created one body to be more superior or self-depended than the others. Everyone needs every other person’s help or services in life. Any other thing short of this annoys God who created the world for His own purposes.

By expansion, Apostle Paul said that the hand cannot tell the legs “I don’t need you” neither the legs say so to the hands. The eyes cannot claim superiority to the ears either. Every part of the body helps each other, complement each other and protect each other. Hear Apostle Paul: “The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So, it is with the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12: 12 (Africa Study Bible). The few wise people in the world know this, but not the fools. Christian religion, no matter what others are saying upholds this principle more than any other religion, that is, the principle of knowing that every human being is as honourable and important to each other. Christians who treat others very inferior or untouchable really fail to know the core teaching of Jesus Christ. He preached equality, oneness and communal relationships and many more. The beloved, we will go deeper on this tomorrow.


LORD JESUS, cause the world to work by your prayers in John 17: 20 – 21, that as you and God are one, let Him make “these ones to be one”. Enable me as an individual never to practice segregation in the name of Jesus Christ.


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