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We saw in the devotionals of July 25 and 26 how it is not good to boast or brag arrogantly or priding oneself in who he or she thinks to be. It offends God and man. Braggers and boasters usually have problems with people. We were told in the 26th July devotional that we will be looking into how Christians should boast today. Christian kind of boasting or bragging is the only right way to boast or brag. One will be tempted to say that because Apostle Paul boasted in (2 Cor. 12), so it is fitting for every Christian to boast. His boasting was, however, acknowledging his weaknesses. In 2 Cor. 11: 30; 12: 7-9). Paul was educating his hearers on boasting and how it belongs to Christ. He argued that it is wrong boast on what one did not do, because it is wrong to boast in what someone else had done. Paul seems to be against boasting with being a close friend to popular personnel, or related to successful personnel as has been human habits over the years. The societies are filled with name droppers everywhere, boasting or bragging about how they are highly connected to highest profile people. Christians are not to boast this way.

As Christians, the Bible is very clear on how to boast or brag that we will not be condemned by God. Prophet Jeremiah was told by God to tell the Israelites that: “But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the LORD who demonstrate unfailing love, and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things…” (Jer. 9: 24 Africa Study Bible). God is saying that anyone who wishes to boast should only boast in what the LORD does through him/her. Apostle Paul repeated this passage to the Christians of Corinth, that “If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD (2 Cor. 10: 27). Unfortunately, many people in the world would not want to accept boasting in the LORD but for things they saw themselves accomplishing through their own efforts, wisdom, intelligent etc.

Christians are made to know that human beings cannot do anything on themselves or by themselves. There is nothing we have that does not come from God. We are not the one who created ourselves with the gifts, talents and skills. God created each and every one of us and impute into our brain the various sections that control our hands, legs, eyes, ears, in fact every of our body parts use to produce wonderful things. Therefore, the right way to boast or brag should have been in the LORD, how He created us with wonderful endowments. As a matter of fact, God can use anybody to disgrace anyone who thinks self greater, richer, wealthier, brighter, handsome and beautiful etc., than others. Apostle Paul examined this when he told the Christians in Corinth that “…God chose things the world considers foolish to shame those who think they are wise. And chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful” (1 Cor. 1: 27 Africa Study Bible).


FATHER, I have discovered today that nothing achievable within my power or intelligent. I am sorry for all my boastings and bragging over the years. Kindly give me new wisdom on how to boast in you. I pray this in the name that is above other names.


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