Today’s devotional is doing a short exposition on Hebrew 4: 1 – 12 based on a phrase which says “They shall not enter my rest” (Heb. 4: 3). In Hebrews 4: 1 – 12, the Bible is talking about “The Promised Rest” God gave to His people. God has great respect for rest. God also created Heaven for our everlasting rest place. What will take anyone to this heaven is hearing and accepting the Words of God. It sounds as if some of the Israelites missed the Promised Rest because they failed to harken to God’s words. See what the Bible says: “For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter the rest…” (Hebrew 4: 2 – 3).
We will get more understanding from this saying: “Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience…” The words of God if heard and accepted in faith grants the hearers rest. Those who heard and refused to accept according to Hebrews 4: 3 received God’s wrath. God swore in His wrath that those who refused the gospel will not enter his rest. By literal explanation, the world will never enter the place of rest that God promised His people. For us to enter into God’s designated resting place we have to work by His Words. The nature of the rest might vary, not necessarily going to heaven after death.
The Bible says that the entrance of His Words brings liberty or giveth light (Psa. 119: 130). Liberty means so many things. It means freedom, set free, granted to do thing on one’s ways and so on. The Word of God is the only medium that will give us rest from war with neighbours, gives us rest from being slaves to evil forces and easily besetting sins. The Words of God set us free from ignorance and enticements of the devils. The Words of God sets us free from unforgiveness which has resulted to sicknesses like heart attacks, high blood pressure, migraine headache that kills very easily and other related sicknesses. The Words of God gives us rest from unhealthy competition with the worldly people that has resulted to assassination of people, kidnapping and reeking injustices on their opponents. There is much to mention the beloved!
FATHER, make all Christians accept your Words so that many will have rest from all the evils of the world in the name of Jesus Christ.