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If love of money is connected to the roots of all evil, then anger should be connected to be the roots of wars and all barbaric actions threatening humanity for decades now. Escalated wars and their attendant holocausts; mindless killings of human beings by human beings are all products of anger. Apostle Paul cautioned his hearers in Ephesus not to commit sins in anger and never to allow the sun goes down with anger in the heart. Not letting the sun goes down with our anger means literally not to allow what anger is pointing us to do be done. Such action always leads the angry person regrets of his actions after he had carried out what the anger presented to him. We must deal with anger before anger deals with us.

There are many ways Christians deal with anger. The first that comes to mind here is trying to put away anger from the mind as soon as it enters into the mind. Apostle Paul included anger in things Christians are to get rid of in Eph. 4: 31. King David saw refusing to get angry as another possible ways of dealing with anger. King David said: “Let go of anger and leave rage behind!” (Psa. 37: 8a). King David put let go of anger and leave rage behind and refusing to be upset in Psa. 37: 8b). Full text in Africa Study Bible reads: “Stop being angry! Turn from your temper – it only leads to harm.” The sole voice of anger when allowed to progressed into wrath is “let the worst happen.” Reason we keep witnessing these days, the worst in wars, communal crises, religious crisis and national crisis is because more and more people live with offenses and anger.

Christians will see another ways of dealing with anger in Ecclesiastes 7: 9. There are many who are too quick to get angry. Lots of atrocities and unwholesome behaviours have erupted through “quick to anger” responses in this world. Quick to anger has made many people acted foolishly. The Bible says this: “Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool” (Eccl. 7: 9 Africa Study Bible). Another version puts the “for anger labels you a fool as as “anger leaves in the fool’s heart.” One of the best steps to taken in avoiding been seen as a fool through uncontrollable anger is refusing to act according to the level anger wants you to act. As Christians, we must train ourselves never to be seen as “quick tempered persons.” The Bible says: “Short-tempered people make stupid mistakes…” (Prov. 14: 17). Christians should know that there will be no justification for actions taken in anger!!!


HOLY SPIRIT, I give my heart and mind to you today to take control. Do not allow me be quick to anger any more in the name of Jesus Christ.


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