DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: FEBRUARY 15 QUENCHING THE HOLY SPIRIT (3) Scripture: 1 Thess. 5: 19; John 16: 13; Acts 22: 1; Ezek. 22: 27

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In concluding on quenching the Holy Spirit today, we will touch few areas Christians can quench the Holy Spirit. Quenching of the Holy Spirit can again be illustrated as pulling major fire woods from full blown burning fire glowing in flame. When the major fire woods are being pull out, the flame of the fire will be diminishing gradually till the flame will be gone. We Christians do pull or disconnect ourselves from the influence or the gifts of the Holy Spirit gradually till His presence will go extinct in us. Normally, the Holy Spirit is quenched by certain behaviours Christians put up. Some of these can be seen thus: –

1. The Holy Spirit can be quenched by directly resisting the truth He presented to our minds. Most often, Christians resist the truth of the gospel preached to us, or what we are to do for us to be more efficient in our ministry. When this truth is resisted or jettisoned the Holy Spirit is quenched in us. It is the Holy Spirit who teaches the Biblical truth (John 16: 13).

2. The Spirit of God is quenched by violent-temper. The moment we yield our lives to violent temper, aggressive manifestation, dangerous responses etc., we put off the Holy Spirit in our lives. Christians are supposed to be lovers of hospitality, lovers of good people, sober, just, holy and temperate as seen in Titus 1: 8.

3. The Spirit of God is quenched when we violet what our good conscience is telling us. Our good conscience is rooted on what the Spirit of God knows is right to do. Once we violate the warning or what the good conscience condemned the Holy Spirit in us will be put out. He is therefore, quenched. Any person with good conscience hardly hurt his or her fellow man or woman intentionally. Apostle Paul said he “…lived in all good conscience before God” (Acts 22: 1).

4. The Holy Spirit of God can be quenched when we indulge ourselves in dishonesty. The Bible says the Holy Spirit will show Christians in all things (John 16: 13).He therefore, guides us from involving ourselves in dishonest things. When we consistently indulge ourselves in dishonest behaviours, the Holy Spirit is put out of us. As Christians, we are princes and princesses. As princes and princesses on the earth, the Bible says we should not be involved in dishonest gains (Ezek. 22: 27).

5. It will be interesting to know that the Holy Spirit regulates our appetite and passion after been born again.
The Holy Spirit is quenched when we indulge self in uncontrollable appetite for foods and unhealthy passion. These days, Christians develop appetites for anything that makes them comfortable. Many of them can never resist foods, especially those given freely. We have many Christians today with damaged health as a result of eating anything that comes their ways. The Bible admonishes us to “…put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite” (Prov. 23: 2).

The beloved, in all these discussions, where do you note you have quenched or already quenching the Holy Spirit of God? What used to be the level of your operating in the Spirit of God in those days compare to who you are today? If the Holy Spirit is quenched or about being quenched, the solution is repentance.


1. Father, I desire continuous partnership with your Holy Spirit. Give me grace to be connected to Him in Jesus name.
2. The Bible says if the Holy Spirit comes He will teach people all truth. Father, I want to know all truths through the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.


I am Holy Ghost student on earth. He will ever guide me through.


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