DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: FEBRUARY 27 THOSE RULED BY FEAR (3) Scripture: 1 John 4: 18; Numbers 14: 29 – 30)
The first and second series of this devotional were published on February 22 and 26 respectively. In this last series we will look at how to overcome being ruled by fear as Christians. We got to know from the previous discussions that extreme fear, which makes fear ruled one’s life on daily basis should not be seen in Christians. We studied how extreme fear can draw God’s wrath upon someone to the extent of killing that person; in reference to the people of Israel when on their ways to the Promised Land (Num. 14: 29-30). Fear is satanic imposed-device on human beings. He makes sure that there are enough areas to place our extreme fear on every day. But God who knows the past, present and future of satan’s plans inspired the Bible writers to accommodate 365 “Fear Not” verses in the Bible. This means every day we can apply one “fear not” verse to counter satan.
Christians are not to live by extreme fears of life every day. We must confront fear as it comes. We must resist the devil sent to deliver fear into our mind. When we resist him he will fly away with the fearful package. Among many steps to take to overcome being ruled by fear, Christians can adapt the following steps:
The greatest technic satan uses to cause us fear is telling us there are things God cannot handle for us. Every day, this thought builds up fear in us. To overcome fear, we must exercise real trust on God that “He can do all things possible” including removing fear from our minds. King David says “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God I will praise His word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?” (Psalm 56: 3-4).
Thinking that you are alone and vulnerable to danger increases fear in the mind. Always realize that God says He will be with you. He told those who believe in Him “So do not fear, for I am with you…” (Isa. 41: 10; Psa. 118: 6).
Fear kills faith if we begin to faint when confronted with adversaries. The Bible says if we faint in the days of adversities it shows our faith is small (Prov. 24: 10). So, to overcome fear, build up in you a courageous faith. Apply rugged faith and confront the fear. Joshua saw a Spirit-like man with the sword drawn at a battle field standing in his front. He did not turn to run. He went to him and asked “Are for us or for our enemies?” (Josh. 5: 13*l). This is courageous faith!
Those who fear greatly hardly pray when come face to face with danger or life threatening situations. But prayers conquer fear. Once fear is building up in your mind, go to God in prayer, telling Him to remove the fear factor from your mind. He will deliver you from fear as He did for King David as many times as you call upon Him (Psa. 34: 4).
We must know that Satan and demons are responsible for blowing fear out of proportion in our minds. When confronted with fear, seek help from the Holy Spirit. He will come to you if you call upon Him. The Holy Spirit will give you self-control over the fear. Self-control is part of the fruits of the Spirit in Gal. 5: 22. The Spirit given you as Christians by God is that of boldness and sound mind. Not that of fear and timidity (2 Timothy 1: 7).
In conclusion, I might not know how fear has been tormenting you. I therefore, pray that God empowers your courage over fear in Jesus name. May the Holy Spirit of God turn all your fears to faith in Jesus name. You will lose your life to fear in Jesus name.
1. Ask God for refilling of courageous faith over extreme fears in the name of Jesus.
2. Ask the Holy Spirit of God to plant in your heart and mind a seed of boldness and sound mind which will not allow you fear unnecessary in Jesus name.
3. Pray asking God for daily reminder of His word “Fear not, for I am with you” which will keep you fearless in Jesus name.
I am washed of every unnecessary fear today by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.