HOPE DEVOTIONAL: FEBRUARY 28 SEEK GOD FIRST Scripture: Matt. 6: 21-34; Psalms 27: 4

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God is described in the Bible as the only God and the creator of all things. We worship Jesus because He is first above all rulers and authorities. And He alone is worthy of the number one position in our lives. Our God is good, He is love, everything about Him radiates with goodness, faithfulness, grace, and mercy. And our Father desires that we draw close to Him, for He wants to pour His goodness out on us. He promised to draw close to us in (James 4: 8), and never to forsake us. And simply, He encourages you and I to seek Him above all else. Because He knows that, nothing compares to Him – not cars, money, addictions, other God’s, or people.

When times are tough, when things are generally not good; especially when we’re tempted to worry or grow anxious; remember to seek first the Kingdom of God (Mathew 6: 33). Run to the Father, He is trustworthy. Seek God above all else. His love is right; seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. (Mathew 6: 21) Look at your heart, one king must rule your heart,” For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Whatever we spend majority of our time, efforts, and resources on, is what we ultimately worship. Therefore, we must ask, is Jesus our master, or He is something else? Are we worshipping financial gain, bound by approval of people? Are we limited by Power and influence? 2 Kings 27: 35 says: “ye shall not fear other gods, nor bow yourselves to them, nor sacrifice to them.”

If there is anything that we are treasuring more than Christ, then that thing has become our idol, keeping our focus away from God; we need to repent. We need to submit all our emotions and anxieties over to the Lord. Christ must reign and rule over our emotions daily and allow His words to speak truth over our feelings.

John Piper says; “…instead of being anxious, “seek first God’s kingdom,” in other words, hand over every situation to His kingly power. *Therefore, to seek God first in every area of life is a thrilling way to live. It’s full of freedom and peace; and joy and adventure. If you believe in your Heavenly Father, you need not be anxious over anything.

Prayer points:

• Oh Lord, draw me closer to yourself every day, let nothing take your place in my heart.
• Almighty God, I shall not backslide because of the worldly concerns, help me not to miss heaven.


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