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There is nothing as magnificent or glorious as children of God carrying the presence of God with them wherever they go. The secret of success, victory, and unusual exploits that the anointed servants of God achieve in life is in the fact that God’s presence is always with them. If you want to overcome any problems, if you want to fulfill destiny, you need the power of His presence.

Moses recognized that unless God is personally present, the people of Israel will go nowhere. Israel is no different from other nations. In that vulnerable condition, they would easily be destroyed. He also knows that unless God’s presence is actively with them, they will not experience God’s favor. God graciously gave Moses more than he asks. He will go with them and He will give them rest. Let the rest here be taken as a tranquility and confidence in the future that only God’s presence can impact.

When the presence of God envelopes you, people will say yes to you even when they intended to say no. It’s like an aura you carry about with you. It is impossible to operate in the supernatural without divine presence, because God’s manifest presence is the key to undeniable breakthrough; without which it can never be possible. It will amount to a calamity or tragedy when a Christian does not carry the presence of God. Having the presence of God with us is worth more than riches, fame, or power. We can go anywhere when His presence is with us. The people of Israel mourned when God’s presence left them.


My Lord and my God, your presence is all I need in my life in order for me to fulfill my destiny and achieve my purpose on earth. Let your presence never depart from me and my household.

Holy Spirit, take over my life and help me to live in conformity with the plans of God for my life in Jesus name.


I chose to remain in the presence of God, for it is far more than riches, fame and power.


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