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Mindset is highly influential in every man’s life. It is such a powerful thing that controls all actions of human beings. One writer, Carey Green, in his article titled “Why Mindset Is Massively Important for Your Christian Business Efforts” says “Mindset is the gas tank. It is the wind in your sails. It’s any other forward-motion, power up idiom you can think of…” Putting this in plain language could mean, as gas tank (fuel in Nigeria) powers the motion of vehicles so is mindset moves human beings. Also, as wind aids the sailing along of boats so is mindset, so is mindset in aiding the progressive movement of human beings. Mindset plays significant roles in either forward movement of people in life or backward movement of people in things in life. What we think and how we think determines the outcome of our lives. This is general, either a Christian or nominal person. The Bible has it that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is (Prov. 23: 7). Christians are to cultivate godly mindsets in the ways they think about issues in life.

Conversely, every human is limited or propelled by mindset. If our mindset is evil, our action becomes demonic. Our mindset is reason why we commit suicide or gain victory over our hardest situation. Our mindset, when positive keeps our passion, zeal, wills and vision aglow. When it turns negative, the opposites are the results one gets. This devotional is all about how our mindset can be determined, if negative to change it, if positive to maintain it. Today’s devotional described mindset in plain words, void of any academic or professional angles. Our mindset is what we fix our minds on about life that at the end results in the nature of our habits, actions, inactions, reactions, decisions, resolutions etc. When one’s mindset says something is hard he or she settles for defeat. Many students in school run away from mathematics and science subjects because of mindsets. They believe those subjects are very difficult to assimilate.

Our mindset can make us refuse certain religion and hate it for life. Same mind can make us accept and have our lives transformed. Mindsets make us hate people of other tribes, races and nationals other than ours. We cannot at a discussion like this exhaust descriptions of mindsets and the influences mindsets have on individuals. The devotionals on mindset will therefore, tilt more on Christians and mindsets. All will be pointing us to how to renew our minds on everything which poses to influence our minds negatively against God and against experiences in life. There is this Bible passage that will remain a major reference in this series of the devotional. It says: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.” (Phil. 4: 8 NIV). This passage summarises Christians’ mindsets in its simplest form. It directs our thoughts on how to focus our mindsets.


Pray that God overhauls your ways of thinking and the buildup of your mind on positive things in life through Jesus Christ.


I possess power over all my negative thoughts on issues of lives. I am coming out clean of dirty thoughts in me. Hallelujah.


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