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Today’s devotional refers us to Apostle Paul’s kind of mindset. He preached about not setting his mind on materials and financial gains from the gospel. Rather, his constant mindset was for wishing those he preached to, to have abiding fruit of new lives as good Christians. Apostle Paul’s wish for his hearers is for God to supply them with all things out of His (God) abundant riches.

The 21st Century church has entered into a period where God’s servants having developed their mindsets on how to gain seriously from the work of the gospel. Many today are in churches with the mindsets, that God will turn them thousandnaire, millionaire and even billionaires overnight. These days, most of the expectation of some servants of God is how the members will donate to make them wealthy by all means. They have the mindsets that anyone they ministered to must sow into them, fabulous seeds in cash or kind. And on the part of some members, they have mindsets that the church they become members will turn them rich or empower them financially to become rich in a short time. Apostle Paul never had this kind of mindset. We can see how he appreciated the Christian at Philippi who sent him gifts only about twice in all the periods of his missionary works.

As ministers of God, let our mindsets be on how to make members more holy that their holiness will abide. Let us not seek how to impoverish the members by tricking them into donating into our bank accounts. Let us allow God work on them to give to us willingly. Paul said he was not expecting helps from those who sent gifts to him (Phil. 4: 17). Paul saw himself having all in abundance within the frame of his faith mindset (Phil. 4: 18). All Christians should fix their mindsets on what to get and to get it only from God. In our faith mind, we must show contentment in all things be it materials, money or skills. It is a mark of godliness (1 Tim. 6: 6).

Again, we could see here, Apostle Paul’s mindset of appreciating those assisting him in ministry. In Philippians 4: 18, Paul appreciated the gifts, saw them very valuable to him (aroma of sweet smell).He saw it as acceptable sacrifice. Christians must develop this mindset of appreciating what they have, who God has made them to be and being appreciative of one another. A mindset of not getting what we want from who we think should have to give us, and therefore, make such a person our enemy is like witchcraft. We have to desist from such mindset. God always rewards or blesses grateful hearts. We are in a world that many vital needs of humanity are lacking. Yet, let us develop mindsets expecting God’s interventions with grateful hearts and minds all the time.


Jehovah my Father, kill my mindset of always getting my help from people as from today. Grant me godliness with contentment which is great gain in Jesus name.


I will not again seek help from nobody expect from God. I walk daily in God’s great riches.


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