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Amongst many actions human being engages self in, what one finally settled for matters much in determining the glorious ending or the sorrowful ending of the actions. The finality of what happens to us is majorly determined by the choice we make. Looking at different people around us gives us true pictures of the choice one made in life. While some chose to be useful others chose to be useless. At a time, the seemed to be useless turns around being very useful and the former useful fellow turns useless. What makes this possible is choice. While some chose to be leaders, others chose to be servants to the leaders. This creates chances for interactions and fellowships. Here again, nature of one’s choice may result to bitter or sweet experiences.

One critical choice to make in life is about who rules over us politically. Because of what other nations are excelling in, many other nations prefer to be under Kings and Queens who will be bulldozing their political breakthroughs for them. To be led successfully or disgracefully depends on the choice of the leaders, either by elections or selections. Any nation that chose her leaders according to the mind of God lives to benefit from the good choice made. Anything on the contrary brings woes upon the nation that made the wrong choice. The devotional toady carries the story of the wrong choice made by the people of Israel by asking for a King over them. What made the choice wrong is that, they were being ruled and led by God all the while. Suddenly, they rejected God and opted for earthly King. Their request displeased Prophet Samuel and God Himself. God gave them King Saul though. The result was that as they rejected God and chose a human King, God gave them up to their enemies. The King they chose, because it was based on earthly political interest latter led them into sinning against God. Reason God gave them up to foreigners who turned them into slaves.

When a choice is desperately made, the bad result which follows is usually disastrous. Desperate political decisions over who must rule have thrown the present world into dangerous political quagmire globally. People’s rights are being taken away from them. Wives are being snatched from husbands and forcefully taken over by the Kings’ loyalists. People’s fields are confiscated. Resources of the ordinary man are being denied them and allocated to the servants of the political kings. The evil consequences are innumerable. Amongst all wrong choices, that which easily turns God against people is wrong political choices. The Bible tells Christians that every leader is chosen by God, therefore, Christians ought to pray for leaders in authority (1 Timothy 2: 2). But when leaders are chosen wrongly no amount of prayers for them to rule well will amount to any good thing. In such a case, people’s prayers should be based on asking God for mercy so that His anger will not consume everybody. This is the situation we are in the world presently.


1. Pray, asking God for mercy over our country, Nigeria, and over the whole world for His mercy for the wrong leadership choices made over the years in Jesus name.
2. Ask God to reduce His punishments meant for us all, due to rejecting Him by our asking for the leadership of those He has not given us globally, in Jesus name.


I know that God still loves the world. A good change is coming soon upon my nation Nigeria and upon the entire globe. Hallelujah!!!


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