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Yesterday’s devotional on the above topic talked about choice statements which those bent on killing Jesus Christ made which it’s consequences are passed on to their children, generations to generations. The desperate people said the blood of Jesus should be upon them and upon their children. This kind of statement is viewed to be working against many people in this world. Whatever statement made is a choice, because the words were first formed in the mind. It is left with choice to express them outwardly or hold on to it.

Today’s devotional looks into a choice to live clean of corruptions in other to maintain good name. Our model is Prophet Samuel. He led the Israelites with fear of the Lord. He had the choice to do evil, yet he chose to be different. When he was approaching the time of his death, he called the Israelites together to find out anyone he had taken his ox or donkey; anyone he oppressed or cheated on; anyone he had accepted bribe from, so that he pays back before his death. The people answered he never did them any wrong. There is no doubt that Prophet Samuel understands the law of karma here. He knew his children might be asked to pay for his evil deeds. He was aware that his maker would demand accountabilities from him. His action shows any leader can make a choice to be a transparent, righteous, and incorruptible leader against all tempting sides of leadership pit falls. Prophet Samuel made a good choice and till tomorrow, Israelites accord him the highest and most respected Prophet of God in their lands. One of the oldest, prestigious and biggest Schools of Prophets in Israel is built in his name.

We need a good leader like Prophet Samuel these days. Many countries are presently suffering the consequences of (choice) corruptions, wickedness, insensitivity to the plight of those they are leading as well as satanic avarice for wealth and riches. We see inflation in many countries due to how their past and present leaders swindled away their money by force. Many government officials are so corrupt that corruptions have become the ways of leadership for them. The outgoing leaders pulled into the political positions their loyalists inclined to corruptions as successors. Many leaders have come and gone leaving behind them, people they oppressed, taken their properties by force, seized their belongings even political positions allocated to them. Most of the problems facing many governments today are harboured anger from people whom their toes are stepped upon.

The world should be looking for leaders like Prophet Samuel, who will choose to rule without embezzling public funds, who will not allocate people’s money to their companies as well as blocking people’s chances in appointments in favour of their own people and friends. We can employ good choice of leaders to achieve this. By being self-centered, we had built up enemies awaiting our sons and daughters. By assigning wrong people into sensitive offices under the guise of compensating those who campaigned for us, we widen the gap of enmity all over as well as built up bigger corruptive platforms. The like of Prophets Samuel is expected in our political parties, in our religious offices as well as traditional settings. Till this is perfectly done, the world will continue to degenerate into worst and worst systems of leaderships.


Pray that God allows the world makes choice of incorruptible, credible, and human centered and development oriented leaders into leadership positions to right all the wrongs bedeviling us today, in Jesus name.


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