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We have so many names (call them titles) for God the Almighty in the Bible; such as El – Elyhon, El-Shaddai, Jehovah Shammah, Jehovah Rophi, Jehovah Nissi and so on. These names are mostly given to God by people based on the circumstances they witnessed God’s power manifested. Amongst these names, our devotional today settles for Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner), rendered in this topic as “The Lord Our Banner.” The name Jehovah Nissi was given to God by Moses after God conquered one of the toughest enemies of Israel in the days of Moses at the Battle of Rephidim. This is the people of Amalek, grandchildren of Esau. The battle lasted the whole day. The longer Moses held up his hands holding his rod, the more victorious Joshua and his men prevailed against the Amalekites. When Moses’s hands slacked that the rod is lowered, the Amalekites began to prevail. To sustain the victory, Aaron and Hur had to assist Moses holding up the hands with a stone under his hands for support.

Today’s devotional is not looking at theological exposition on this topic but about how God can defeat one’s enemies who trusted in Him absolutely. The miraculous defeat over the Amalekites was not in the strength of Moses but purely in the Might of God. Against the tribe known for war with their sophisticated weapons and skills in warfare, God nevertheless, won the battle for Moses. In appreciation, Moses built an altar, offered sacrifice and called the place “Jehovah Nissi” meaning “The Lord My Banner.” This devotional is viewed very important to all Christians globally, and, more especially Nigeria Christians due to the many enemies plotting to annihilate Nigeria Christians on or before 2050. We must know that “The Lord Our Banner” can as well conquer the enemies for us.

In calling God our banner, we are affirming that He is the one to fight our battles. We are to be sure too that He alone can secure us victories. Christianity has never been left alone without persecutions in the hands of oppressors. The world has always hate Christians and subject them to heinous treatments even to the extent of killing them anyhow. It has been Jehovah Nissi (The Lord Our Banner) who has been at the forefront of our battles. Jehovah Nissi means God provides banner over our heads, He provides shelter that covers us from our enemies, He stands against our enemies as Refuge and Shield. He as our banner, place signs of untouchable as advertising banner gives information to people. Today’s devotional brings us words of comfort. The enemies are real, seem powerful, ready and seen everywhere. But the Banner of God will be over us and fight the battle for us. Victories will soon emerge in Jesus name.


JEHOVAH NISSI, The Lord Our Banner, by your Mercy and Might, come and defeat our enemies as we continue lifting up our cries to you in Jesus name.


I believe God is not unjust to give us all to the enemies to wipe out. He is coming soon for Divine intervention. Hallelujah!!


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