DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: May 29 Christians are Father’s look-alike children (1) Scriptures: 1 Pet 1: 14 – 16; 2 Cor. 5: 17;7: 1; Lev 11: 44 – 45

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Christians are born again to be the Father’s look- alike. God is holy and He wants us to be holy, He has called us to share in His holiness. God’s holiness is a measure of how we are to become; we are called to grow into the family likeness of the God who has given us new birth. Our conformity to God is matched by our nonconformity to the world; where our integrity as God’s children is threatened. Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God; it is the habit of agreeing with God’s judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves, and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His word. It is shaping our character, behavior, value, and one’s whole life to align with the new life we have been given.

Holiness is transforming our natural lives into a spiritual life by obedience to His word. A life of holiness will help us develop a commitment that takes God seriously. A holy person will fear God, not as a slave, who only works because of fear of punishment; but as child who works and obey the father’s instructions out of sincere love. When the love of God occupies our heart, it becomes difficult to conform easily to the godlessness around us.

A holy fear acts as moral antiseptic, “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom”. “A healthy fear of God prevents us from calling His Name in vain, we cannot get to a point in our relationship with God when we begin to feel too familiar with Him; thereby making His love of non- effect in our lives. “Familiarity breeds contempt”, we are expected to develop respectful intimacy that makes us call on God as holy Father whose name is to be hallowed.

Prayer points:

•Oh Lord, our Father, help us to keep a healthy fear that prevent us from being overfamiliar with you
•Help us to hate what you hate, and to love what you love.


My life will not be conformed to the world; I will stay away from anything that contaminates the body and spirit. So help me God.


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