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Yesterday’s devotional made us to know that what we think are Jesus’ names such as “The Lion of the tribe of Israel”, “The King of kings and Lord of lords”, “The chief cornerstone “, etc. were mere titles. Jesus has a very important name that bears His true identity. This name must be known as exactly as God knows it before given it to Jesus. The ways people behave towards Jesus typified their understanding of His name. Those who feel the name is as ordinary as other human names call out the name void of respect and honour. Those who think Jesus’ name is as natural as any other tribal name call Him loftily as the Son of Man. However, those who know the peculiar name as given Him by our Heavenly Father call Him by that name from their hearts with deep reverence and receive greater grace from Him.

In the Bible, two persons knew Jesus’ name that carries the typical meaning in their hearts as God would like every human being to know Jesus’ name. The first was Nathaniel. Nathaniel told Jesus that He is “The Son of God, and the King of Israel” (John 1: 49 – 50 NKJV). The second person was Apostle Peter. When Jesus asked “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16: 15). The Disciples told Jesus who people were heard saying He is. But what they told Jesus were not true. Jesus turned the question to them saying “But what about you. Who do you say I am?” There was no answer from anyone. But Simon Peter broke the silence saying “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matt. 16: 16 NKJV). Jesus’ responses to both Nathaniel and Simon Peter showed that whoever knows Jesus as exactly as His true identity is will be accorded greater grace. To Nathaniel, Jesus told him that he “…will see greater things than these.” He said Nathaniel will “see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man” (John 1: 51). This made Nathaniel the first to see how Jesus Christ will be honoured by God. And for Peter, Jesus said: “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on the earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16: 18 – 19 KJV). Peter thus became the first to receive double honour from Jesus because he said exactly who Jesus is.

The lesson in this devotional is that, as many people who are privileged to receive revelation from God on who Jesus really is will be given supernatural honour on the earth and in heaven above. Today, there could be someone reading this devotional that might have concluded that Jesus is not real, even though you are a Christian all this while. Your problem is that you refuse to know Jesus by His true identity. Please, you must not know Jesus as an alternative master. Know and trust in Him as the only Son of the Living God. Trust Him as your LORD and Saviour. Trust Him as one with every authority and all powers to deliver you from any situation. You will receive commission of double honour like Peter. You will be privileged to see the glorious Jesus in heaven from the earth. Congratulations as you do this today!


BLESSED FATHER, I come to you today confessing that I never cared to know your Son by His true identity given Him by you. Kindly grant me the knowledge to know Him as you know Him. In Jesus name I pray.


I confess earnestly today, that Jesus is the Son of the Living God and the King of the Israel.


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