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Suffering is a very terrible thing. Death stands till tomorrow an experience no mortal cherishes. No one wants to die or what’s his/her loved ones taste the bitter pill. When pain or death comes crashing down on us, we are tempted to cry out in anger to God. Under confusion in times of difficult moments, we put God on trial, questioning His motives and characters by saying “Why did you not protect us God? Why did you not save us from harm? Or why did you not give us wealth, comfort and prosperity but illness, discomfort and poverty instead?

This devotional directs the minds of readers to note that most often; God allows difficult moments come to us in order to prune us. Pruning is horticultural word for cutting off, or removing dead or living parts as well as branches of plants, to improve their shape for enhancing good growth and yielding good fruits. This is what a vinedresser does to vines. Reason Jesus Christ used the word in John 15: 2 that God is a Master Vinedresser who prunes His people.

God knows that for His called out ones to be more useful in His vineyards, there are certain things in them that must be removed. Certain lifestyle which stands as stumbling blocks against us that we know not ought to be flushed out. This process comes through various ways. It could be sicknesses, diseases, and difficult times, loss of jobs or crashing out of successful businesses. For instance, God will make a very wealthy and rich person becoming completely poor when become born again to humble him/her. God does this to the person for him/her to learn how to appreciate the poor who will come to him in future at the course of his/her ministry.

God’s pruning us is His act through which we are being made holy, sanctified and become ready to serve Him in all righteousness. Christians must be careful when passing through tough times. He/she should be wise enough to ask God what is His purposes for allowing such condition comes. Everything that happens to us as Christians has God’s purposes behind. The Bible says God is He who “…works all things after the counsel of His own will…” (Eph. 1: 11b). This passage reads in full from Easy-To-Read Bible says: “In Christ we are chosen to be God’s people. God had already planned for us to be His people because that is what He wanted. And He is the one who makes everything to agree with what He decides and wants.” The lesson here is to knowing that whatever God allows to come our ways is in agreement with what He decides and wants for us.


LORD JESUS, I request from you today, for Spirit of enablement that will hold me up till I pass the test of being pruned by Jehovah God. Amen.


No trial allowed to come my way has power to overcome me. I will wait till my Salvation comes!


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