DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JULY 24 WORTHLESSNESS OF MAN’S HELP (4) SCRIPTURE: Genesis 9: 13 – 17; Isaiah 5: 20, 23 – 24(b)

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Here is the fourth series of the five of this devotional dedicated to the worthlessness of help from mankind while rejecting God’s assistance. Yesterday’s devotional told us of antiquity of nations who rejected God, or turned against children of God but are no longer in existence today. Today’s devotional will be touching some particular groups in alliance; going against God’s natural plans for human beings by inventing ideas and theories, corrupting the minds of people against God. For many decades now, some people are promoting unnatural ways of making love between man and woman. They preach and teach in favour of lesbianism, gay, homosexuality and same marriage. Others preach “naturalism” where every human being can be walking about purely naked as God created them. There is allied group that has fought in favour of abortions of babies at will. The group is under an umbrella name abbreviated SOGI. This abbreviation means “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.”

God brought rainbow as a covenant sign between Noah and God that the world will not be destroyed by flood again (Gen. 9: 13 – 17). Ways back to about 1978, mankind has interpreted immoral view to rainbow. First version of rainbow flags was flown, precisely on June 25, 1978 for San Francisco Gay Freedom Day parade. One Artist, Gilbert Baker designed the rainbow flag to create symbol of pride for the gay community. In 1994, rainbow flag was truly established as symbol for LGBTQ pride. Today rainbow colours are appearing as logos, trademarks as well as for decorating conglomeration of mega companies. LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender equality. Some of the richest countries, companies and individuals in the world are behind this move.

Question here is “How can’t God be angry with the world? Prophet Isaiah says: “Woe to those who call good evil, and evil good; who exchange darkness for light and light for darkness, who exchange bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! …who justify the wicked for the reward, and take away the justice of the righteous from him! …because they have cast away the Law of the Lord of host and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 5: 20, 23, 24{b}). The Biblical meaning of the word “woe” is a “condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction or grief.” It also means “ruinous trouble or calamity”. This ruinous trouble or calamity can come in form of economic woes, political woes, religious woes, internal war and external attacks on any nation that rejects God’s leadership and authority over her. The beloved, we can guess right away why the world has come to this present mess! Turning back to God for help is the only way out.Let us humble ourselves, acknowledge our short comings and ask God for helps (2 Chro. 7: 14).


JEHOVAH ROPHI, our healer and mender, redirect the minds of world leaders to accept your laws and commandments. Heal our lands, our political institutions and our economy in Jesus name.


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