As seen in the past four days now, rejection of God by nations and individuals as not the Lord; and forming formidable allies attacking Christians so as to purge them out of the world are reasons for today’s global unrest and crisis._ We have seen from the studies too, that things will still keep going worst in spite of nations meeting and individuals invited to come resolving our crisis. This is because human help is worthless. The Bible says: “Thus saith the LORD, curse be the man, that trusteth in man, and make flesh the arm, and whose heart departed from the LORD” (Jer. 17: 5 KJV). The world has rejected God for too long. The world has risen against God’s children for too long. Reason things keep growing from worst to worst. There just cannot be any other ways other than turning to God, if we want things to change for good. Those who do not believe in this should put God into test by believing in Him, at least for once. The Bible says: “Test and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 34: 18).
Today’s devotional presents few things one should do when discovered that God has been silent from a nation or individuals, due to rejecting Him. The first is for every one of us to examine our lives if we are living right with God (2 Cor. 13: 5). Such action will enable us to change our ways of life to please God, and helps us obtain peace from our enemies. The Bible says: “When a man’s ways pleased the LORD; He makes his enemies to be at peace with him” (Prov. 16: 7 ESV). The second is for us to accept God’s authority. We must accept that God rules in heaven and over the earth. He must be accepted as the Sovereign Lord. We must accept His Lordship over us. *The third thing to do is “always listening to His words and what He is saying”. His words are in the Bible and on the lips of preachers and Bible teachers. The Bible says here: “Keep thy heart with all diligent; for out of it are issues of life” (Prov. 4: 23). The words of God contain everything that takes care of human lives.
The last thing to do so as to make God takes over our affairs of life is “keep talking to God.” When things go awry with us, when oppressions intensify and pains go on unabated, talk to God. If you think your sins are too great for forgiveness, He says: “Come and let us reason it together…” (Isa. 1: 18). He asks we meet Him to argue our cases with Him too (Isaiah 43: 26). The beloved, go to God today. Put forward before Him all that bothers you, reason them out or argue them out with Him. You will find favour with Him!!
1. JEHOVAH, EL ELYON, give me courageous mind today to meet with you in talks for cases to be resolved in the name of Jesus.
2. Ask the Lord Jesus to present your cases before God for your justification and sanctification.
I am overcoming my intimidating problems any moment from now! Hallelujah.