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_Let us start today’s devotional with a quote from George Washington which says: “Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.” This quotation seems to be talking of the voice of conscience in man. It usually starts like a little spark. When it is ignored a bigger consequence emerges. The little spark of celestial fire seriously describes existence of conscience in human beings. Every action or inaction is first built in the heart. When it is being built, the voice is heard in the heart.

According to one Pastor Reuben Egolf, Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines conscience as “Internal or self-knowledge or judgment of right and wrong; or the faculty, power or principle within us, which decides on lawfulness of our own actions and affections and instantly approves or condemns them.” Powerful, is it not? Every person has conscience as voice within. It even determines what you are about to do and either encourages you or warns you against it.

Conscience is voice within and is divinely given everyone for God’s own purposes. The Greek word which English word “conscience is derived from is “suneidesis.” It conveys meaning of the process of thought that distinguishes what is considered morally good or bad, commending the good, condemning the bad, and so prompting to do the former and avoid the later.” The Spirit of God uses man’s conscience for good works while Satan uses it for bad works. If our action is judged good, it means we listened to the voice within which said “don’t kill the man, it has bad consequence.” Satan uses the bad conscience which says “kill him for nothing will happen.”

As seen in John 8: 9, the preaching of Jesus Christ convicted the conscience of the people because it condemned them. And we also read from Titus 1: 15 that two elements work in the hearts of people. To those with pure heart (good conscience), all things are pure: but to those that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure, even their minds and conscience are defiled. Today’s devotional is emphasizing on the importance of listening to the voice of good conscience in our minds if not our actions will destroy us no matter what._ Conscience has no respect for anyone. Ignoring the voice of good conscience kills the rich and wealthy, the politically or religiously powerful as well as the poorest.


Pray asking the Holy Spirit of God to grant you spirit of understanding the voice of good conscience in you in the name of Jesus Christ.


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