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In yesterday’s devotional we built on an illustration of Apostle Paul while comparing the processes of how seeds die to germinate with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christian teaching has, amongst other doctrine, teaches that, for us humans to be built physically and spiritually so as to meet the standard of God’s workmanship or the real type of person God wants, he allows us to be broken down properly before rebuilding us again. One way He does this is passing us through trials and temptations._ These trials and temptations talk more of processes Christians are milled into Spiritual maturity. God uses or allows various methods and patterns of deadly processes to break up His children, then rebuild them up in order to properly fit into where one will be given an assignments for the Kingdom works.

Like the potters who ensure that every foreign bodies in a clay is removed to make the clay fit for molding, God breaks us down to remove things which will not allow us become flexible in the hands of the Holy Spirit. For Prophet Isaiah, God allowed King Uzziah to die for the spiritual life of Isaiah to be restored. Prophet Isaiah was a Palace Prophet to the King. It was likely Isaiah was no longer representing God as he should. God allowed King Uzziah to die, so that Isaiah should face his true mission for God. Instead of prophesying to keep the King happy, Isaiah was rebuilt into receiving vital information, alongside other prophecies concerning Israeli nation, about the birth of Jesus Christ, for instance Isaiah 7: 14; Isa. 9: 6 – 7.

King David was passed through so many routes which humbled him before been anointed King while still a neglected Shepherd boy. Even his father never envisaged that David has kingly potentials (1 Sam. 16: 10 – 12). After his first anointing into kingly position, God allowed him to serve King Saul. Serving King Saul trained him more on learning patience and emotional management. God still does this to people He sees that arrogance and pride will make them lose their exalted positions if given. Pride kills very fast. When God is planning a very rich person for His work, He might remove most of the person’s properties and money, and then refills him after he answered the call to serve. The beloved, if you have had such experience, know that you are going through breaking process to be rebuilt by God!


FATHER GOD, encourage me today to be strong in passing through whatever condition you have designed for me as my breaking to be rebuilt again in Jesus name.


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