In one way or the other so many people are subjected to servitude under the privileged people who subjected them to various degrees of hard labours. The less privileged are under the yokes of hard labours of the privileged. Even though one Williams Wilberforce took it upon himself to fight for abolition of slave trades, many people are yet not in freedom. Till date, humans are under the yokes a slave-like condition seeking for freedom. Many are been locked in yokes of economic and political slavery. Some many others are being trafficked across borders of the globe and turned to slaves begging for freedom from their yokes in the 21st Century. Silently or out rightly many are in serious need to be freed from the yokes on their shoulders. Some people are getting too curious searching for the God who usually hears the voices of the oppressed so as to gain freedom from their yokes.
Today’s devotional is looking into the answer for the curious people who have concluded that the God Christians serve might not be a God of justices. In the minds of these individuals, the more justices are being expected to gain strength over injustices, the more yokes of injustices seem to be triumphing. Funny enough, the section of the people of the world called “Children of God” are not spared from these sufferings in the hands of their fellow human beings. The lead passage of the devotional today bears God’s statement of achievement for the Israelites; The Bible says here: “I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that you should not be their slaves; I have broken the bands of your yoke and made you walk upright” (Leviticus 26: 13 NKJV).
This statement is referring to the Israelites who were enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years. The Israelites were not in Egypt as “Prisoners of War” (POW). They found their ways to Egypt because one of them (Joseph); made the Egyptians great by educating them on food storage that resulted in Egypt become a major exporter of food to the people of the Mediterranean world then. Event within spaces of time turned the Israelites to slaves in the hands of the Egyptians. God however heard the cries of the Israelites and freed them from the slavery. He broke the yokes of slavery from the shoulders of the Israelites and made them walked free out of the land of Egypt. Some people somewhere might be saying: “can this happen to us?” The answer is yes!!
FATHER LORD, where are your hands of righteousness which always deliver your children of old? We need your saving hands in our world today to free us from slavery in the hands of our various slave masters in the name of Jesus Christ.