Yesterday’s devotional pointed at a fundamental reason Christians should no more live on divisions and segregations based on “Class or racial Differences.” Even though Christ’s death has destroyed the dividing walls, some Christians seem to be maintaining the “No Passing” doctrine. The Bible taught that Christ had even broken opened the curtain of the Great Temple dividing the Holy of Holies; making all to access the most sacred part of the Temple. We still have sacred areas in our denominations, which others, no matter their experiences in their level of anointing cannot access. By the death of Jesus Christ and the shedding of His Blood for our sins, all Christians should have been seeing each other as one washed in His blood in faith, believe and having one LORD over us all.
In church denominational and interdenominational settings, members do not allow non-member pastors climb their altars, claiming such Pastors will contaminate the holiness of the altar. There are many churches stopping women preachers from using their Altars and the pulpits the male Pastors of the church use till date. Some of our 21st Century Christians have “dividing walls” separating people in other churches from partaking in Holy Communion in their denominations. Such as these and more are reasons unity is lacking amongst Christians. Apostle Paul said that Jesus “…made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in Himself one new people from the two groups. Together as one body, Christ reconciled both groups to God by means of His death on the Cross and our hostility towards each other was put to death” (Eph. 2: 15 – 16 Africa Study Bible).
Some believed that the death of Christ and His taking away the sins of people who confessed Him as LORD and Saviour is the removal of the walls of division. If this should be upheld, it then means as many as have received Jesus Christ as their personal LORD and Saviour ought to have been received into one body been reconciled by Christ’s physical body through His death (Col. 1: 22)._ Therefore, segregations and discriminations should have been put behind all of us. Some said that the wall that was removed was the separation of the Holy of Holies, making man to have direct access to God without passing through any one again. If that great wall was dismantled then leaders in the churches are asked by this devotional to do something about these walls of separations between the “man-God” leaders” and the so called “ordinary members in the church.
HOLY FATHER the world has been looking for too long towards the coming together of Christians as one body in faith and believes. Kindly make all of us accept one another as one family member now in the name of Jesus Christ.