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In the ordinary, it could be hard to talk about doing something to prosper one’s soul. The word “soul” is defined by many schools of thoughts according to their perspectives. This devotional restricts itself to Christian concepts of “soul”; and therefore, interprets soul Biblically. Biblically, it is again difficult to separate the soul from the spirit. Going by Matthew 10: 28, that says: “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul…” one will be comfortable to say the soul is spirit-man; because spirit cannot be killed. This is buttressed by definition of a Web Dictionary that says “soul” is a part of humans regarded as immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable for moral judgment, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state. Christians understand the soul as their minds, emotions and wills according to Christianity.org.

Let a little attempt be made here to knowing what the secular knowledge talks about the word “prosper so as to know how to prosper it the soul. Web Dictionary defines “prosper” as “to thrive, succeed, causes to thrive in a healthy way. Biblically, the word “prosper” based on the Greek text literally means “to help on the road” or “succeed in reaching.” If Apostle John says his wish for Christians is that their souls shall be in good health and prosper, he was not talking of financial prosperity. He was looking at an ongoing state of success that touches every area of our lives. He is looking at the possibility of us helping ourselves thriving or succeeding along the roads of our life as we move on in this world.

Health and wholeness is the will of God for every area of our life._ Since the soul controls our emotions, desires and consciousness, outcome of our lives are determined by the state of our souls. When our soul is healthy the whole part of our body will be healthy. Anything done otherwise gives sicknesses to the soul that could end up eroding the healthiness of the entire body of man. Keeping our souls in good health with positive minds and hearts is very important to all mankind. Hearing the word of God, believing in the word and acting on the word positively all depend on the comfort of the soul of man. Therefore, it must be our duties to make our souls thrive steadily doing things that will make the souls free of anxieties.


BLESSED FATHER, how can my soul be in good health and prosper? The devotional says it is my duty to make my soul thrive on. Kindly show me how to do this in the name of Jesus Christ.


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