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Yesterday’s devotional picked on Apostle John’s friendly letter (Epistle) to Gaius; telling him that it was his wish that Gaius prospers in all things as his soul prospers. As always, Bible words are for all mankind because they were words of God. Christians have since understood this scripture as saying that Apostle John saw the need for Christians to prosper in all things as their souls prosper. It also connotes that there is need for Christians to do things that will keep them doing well in all things as well as carrying their soul along in healthy manners. Yesterday’s devotional tired as much as possible to explain what soul means as well as what prosper in Biblical context means as concerning 3 John 2. We heard yesterday that the healthy condition of the soul enables the desires, emotions and consciences of man to be healthy. Therefore, we are to do things that will keep the soul thriving along healthily.

As Christians, the first thing do to make our souls proper is feeding the souls with the words of God. The words of God contain the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and other spiritual ingredients which make the soul flourish. Once the soul is flourishing, the body flourishes. Many people thought that the words of God are mainly laws restricting people to tight corners giving nobody freedom to doing what one likes. But the Bible says that in the scripture are issues of life. The words of God help us to guide our lives with all diligence out of which flows issues of life (Prov. 4: 23). Being faithful in little thing help us to be faithful in bigger thing that ended up giving our souls lively and healthy life. Being unfaithful has plunged so many Christians into woes which caused regrets and pains that affected their souls dangerously.

The third thing that makes our soul thrives on in good condition is walking with love. The soul that loves everybody reaps love. Many might not believe in this. A loving heart is a cheerful heart and can hardly harbour bitterness against anyone. How beautiful will the world be if every human sees it as being indebted to love one another (Rom. 13: 8). Genuine love is medicine and cure. Love makes the soul stores up forgiveness. Genuine love over looks offenses but rather builds up relationships. Love is God and whoever loves another person makes the loved one sees God and receives God into the soul. Several human beings are going about with hurts and disappointments because they could not see real love in the world again. *The soul that harbours hate, breeds anger and vengeance gives does not prosper. Brethren, let us know that love helps us overcome evil with good (Rom. 12: 21).


HOLY SPIRIT, direct my hearts and minds to the words of God and make me understand them rightly and faithfully for my soul to prosper wholesomely in the name of Jesus Christ.


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