Walking in darkness as in living according to the dictates of the world rather than living in the words of God that Jesus brought has so many dangers or consequences. These cannot be put together in a devotional form such as this. Today’s devotional will touch few of dangers as we conclude this series. There is no doubt that those walking in darkness running after the world get stocked in lost and confused purpose for living. They do not seem to find their ways. They feel like walking in circles going nowhere. They seem being in the dark suffering from lack of directions. Christians who know their God and believe in His words behave different. When in confusion, they call upon God whose word says: “And you will hear a voice saying, this is the way… (Isaiah 30: 21).
Many walking in the darkness are like people wallowing about in lack of directions, lost in focus because the world flashes failure before their eyes, feeling incompetence always, living in self-pities to mention but few. The consequences include low self-esteem and lack of confidence in selves. Worst may be seen in having relationship problems with others. Most people who lost in purpose for living end up having health problems because the mind which is the seat of emotional intelligence is sick. Once the hearts and minds of people are sick, the bodies become sick in all things. Fact remains that one daily dominant enemy of mankind is living in regrets. While pursuing the world trying to catch up with things she flashes before the eyes, we ended up missing the marks. We most often acquire things in sins corruptions, cheatings, evading taxes, inflating costs of contracts and many others.
After all is successfully done, we withdraw to privacies dying of regrets. This is seen more in Christians who were taught not to lie, cheat in any form, shifting the mark of boundaries and many that cannot be mentioned here. Regrets in life can make one miss opportunities and chances. While dwelling on regrets, the zeal to move into new exploits is killed. People who live on regrets suffer from sound judgment. Anger and resentment, loss of compassion and empathy reside in the heart of people living in regrets as a result of believing they have sinned against God of Righteousness. Those walking in the light of the word of God are continually under the teaching of the Holy Spirit who Jesus said will teach us all things that His Father taught Him (John 14: 26).
HOLY FATHER, make me to always be at the feet of the Holy Spirit learning how to handle Spiritual and natural matters justly in the name of Jesus Christ.