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The relationship created by God between Himself and human beings has ever been on intimacy, father/child kind of relationship as well as harmoniousness. God ever desired meeting man in complete cordial relationship just like we human parents meet with our children. He made this known to Prophet Isaiah as He invited him to one on one discussions (Isa. 1: 18). He would visit Adam and Eve at the Garden of Eden on this relational base (Gen. 3: 8). He severally asked Moses to meet with Him at designated areas for talks. His relationship with Abraham grew up till when Abraham was addressed as “a friend of God.” Many people might wrongly understand this intimate relationship as familiarization._ It could be wrong for human beings to over step their bounds in relating with on familiar bases.nThis is what this devotional will be addressing in series.

The word “familiar” by definition; other of its definitions, means ‘being well-acquainted’, well-known to’, ‘being in close friend or associate.’ Being familiar with God could look good to God if done with revering Him. But there comes fear when familiarization with God developed into “becoming too familiar.” Being too familiar or Overfamiliarization with God can be explained as “taking undue liberty in relating with God. This is in a way, looking at man relating with God by presuming that he/she knows all things about God. God grants human beings liberty to relate with Him, but not absolute liberty that the “Fear of the Lord which is the beginning of wisdom” has to be carelessly or deliberately toy with. People have missed the proper ways of relating with God that their presumptive relationship with Him ended them in troubles.

We are out to touch things we do that amount to being too familiar with God. Thereafter, the danger of getting too familiar with God will be featured. Many Christians these days behave towards God as if they are His mates. Whether in the churches, crusade grounds, and fellowship centers or in our private homes, we seem lost in giving honour that is due to God to Him as many of us lost the consciousness of God watching us. Many of us Christians have refused to give God His due honour as our Creator and Father, because of our being too familiar with Him. God usually frown at this. He asked in Malachi: “If you called me your father, where is my hounor?” (Mal. 1: 6 – 8). Please follow us into tomorrow for more ways overfamiliarity with God is explained.


MY FATHER AND MY GOD, I know that you created me to be intimate with you so as to know you and follow you without negative fears. Assign your Holy Spirit to teaching me how best to relate with you in the name of Jesus.


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