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The whole earth and the people of the world are individually created on God’s purposes. God has His secluded purposes for His people and the nations who believe and trust in Him right from the Old Testament days. Those who understand His purpose for them and have the patience to wait for God’s accepted time saw the purposes fulfilled. Some many others lack the patience to wait on God till He will bring what He purposed for them come to pass. The easiest way those who lack in the ability to wait on God’s purposes do is turning away to doing what they feel right for themselves. We Christians are to believe in God and His sovereignty (His overall power and authority) to wait for His purposes. In this devotional series one of God’s purposes to His children will be discussed. This is His purpose of protecting those who believe and trust in Him.

What makes God’s purpose for mankind different is that, He usually swears with His name over the set purpose. God said in the lead text above that: “Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass. And as I have purposed so it shall stand” (Isa. 14: 24 KJV). Reading down from verses 26 to 27 informs us that God’s purpose for the whole earth, and of course, for individuals cannot be turned back by anybody. As an individual Christian, your life is programmed on God’s purposes according to His set time. His purposes for your life, academic and business success; marriage and planned time to get children are all in His hands.

Human beings have ever been the victims of their desires and quick expectation to get what they set their minds on. The danger about this is doing things outside God’s purpose and timing. We usually become discouraged with God when we think our set time for ourselves is running out. Most often, January of every year fills the mind of every man and woman with plans of what to achieve by the end of the year. Each passing month gives us concern when we are feeling that our expectations are being delayed. When we enter the month of December, we will be tempted to hand off. As you look back on your life, in what ways can you trace God’s sovereign hand still preparing, reshaping and protecting you. If nothing real is seen, still hold on.


Pray and speak to God that you know and trust that He cannot be late. Pray that you still believe that His purposes for you this year will still come to pass. Use the name of Jesus and claim those things you are aware of already.


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