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There is no doubt that everyone worships God. All religious bodies teach their followers certain form of worshipping their God or gods and goddesses. Our Daily Devotional will be discussing “Believers and Spiritual Worship” that can be argued being relative as everyone who worships believe in what he or she worships. Therefore, the Believers here points at Christians who believe in God the Almighty specifically. Since there are shades of believers and natures of their worshipping, readers of this devotional should know that the discussions, in all the series of the devotional will be talking of Christians’ Spiritual Worshipping of the Almighty God. My plea to readers of these series is that, they are to be patient to follow us to the end; because the series will touch worshipping, fake worshipping, true worshipping and worshipping in Spirit and Truth.

The two passages of the devotionals talk about “Spiritual Worship” and “true worshipper” who worship their Father in Spirit and truth (Romans 12: 1 and John 4: 19 – 24 respectively). Apostle Paul charged the Roman Christians to offer their bodies to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. This, he defined as “Spiritual Worship.” And, Jesus Christ, as quoted by John, told the Samaritan woman at the Jacob’s well that “true worshippers worship God in Spirit and truth.” Taking a closer look at ways people worship their gods or the Almighty God will reveal that many neither worship in appropriate spiritual ways nor worship in spirit and truth. As Christians, our worship of God must be purely Spiritual for it to be genuine and different from how pagans worship their gods and goddesses.

Our Almighty God is a complete Spirit Being who stands Holy and Perfect. Therefore, any who chose to Worship Him must worship in the uttermost spiritual content. Spiritual Worship is that done through the Holy Spirit void of human content. Worship, whether in praises, adorations, singing formulae or praying must be rooted through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual worship is that which originates from the heart soaked by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual worship cannot be mechanical or formalistic. We are to present our worship to God with great awe of His wonder and reverence. *It is through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that this kind of worship can be genuine and acceptable to God. The month of December each year ought to be when to amend ways of worshipping so as to make the worship spiritual._


Holy and Blessed Father, take my mind through how I had worshipped you before today. Equip me with genuine Spiritual Worship mind from today forward in the name of Jesus Christ.


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