As studied in yesterday’s devotional, Jesus revealed that God our Father is looking or seeking for those who should worship Him in Spirit and Truth. The conclusion yesterday was that if God is looking to those who worship Him it means He has specific ways Christians can worship God that will be acceptable to Him. Today’s devotional is discussing these ways which are more of mode or the forms of the worships. In a quick run, we can worship God in Spirit and truth through praise and thanksgiving, prayers, reading the Bible, confessing of our sins, being obedient to God and in music. Other can come in form of giving offering, spending time with Him, perhaps, by meditation and using our skills to glorify Him,
In pointing out the ways of worshipping in Spirit and truth, we will look at some Hebrew words used for ways of worship with brief explanations. (1). The first that comes to mind is the word “Barak”. This means to kneel or to bow down, to bless God. Barak means to bow down to or kneel to the Lord, just to remember how great He is over us. (2). The word “Halal” is translated “to show”, “to rave about”, “to celebrate” etc. This is the word used for the “worship” in 1 Chronicles 16: 4 when the Israelites were bringing home the Ark of God. They were invoking God’s blessings, giving thanks and praising the God of Israel with singing and shouting in wildly manners. Another way to worship in Spirit and truth is shouting loudly. Hebrew word which this is taken from is “Shabach”.
Shabach means to shout loudly. This shouting focusses on worshipping the Lord. We see this in Psalm 47: 1 that says: “Come, everyone, clap your hand, shout to God with joyful praise”. We have another Hebrew word “Tehilalah” meaning to sing praises, singing out of the Spirit spontaneously. This means singing unrehearsed song or unplanned due to the great work God worked. The last to mention is “Towdah” which is a Hebrew word for worship. It means worshipping God with extending the hands or raising them in thanksgiving. The beloved, all these forms of worship must proceed out repented heart, convicted and broken for God.
Lord Jesus, cause me to be broken in Spirit and melt my mind and heart for the word of God taking over me for Spiritual Worship and truthful rendition of worship words to God always.