Ingratitude, the opposite of thankfulness, is so prevalent in our society of today. The gratitude and thankfulness exhibited in the previous generations has all disappeared. Ingratitude has definitely become an integral part of the present society. Ingratitude, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary, means “forgetfulness of or poor return for kindness received.” It can also mean “not appreciating or valuing what you have, or what you have been given. As read from the devotionals of December 26 and 27, both God and human beings are usually disappointed with one known for ingratitude. That is, an ingrate and unthankful person. The world is putting thankfulness to God behind her back on daily basis, giving more credit to personal efforts. People who see their successes as products of personal efforts hardly indulge themselves in appreciations.
The nations and individuals have become ungrateful that the lands are filled with chronic grumblers and complainers under minding the countless blessings God has provided mankind. This has turned the world to theater of hates, wars, violent and counter violent responses. Ingratitude has given vent to sins not noticed by many. Ingratitude breeds sin in the sense that it blows up anger, resentment and regrets in the minds of those assisting people who do not value the helps, but rather keep offending the helpers. It is sinful not to return good gestures to those who favoured us; build us up into becoming great personalities, put foods on our tables and protected us in time of troubles.
The story of how the Israelites turned to speak against God and Moses after God helped and delivered them from the hands of the Canaanites reveals how ingratitude is exhibited. The Canaanites first overpowered the Israelites, captured some of them. They cried to God, made a vow to utterly destroy the city should God deliver those Israelites in captive. God made Israelite defeated the Canaanites and delivered them. Instead of being thankful, they turned against God and Moses. This made God sent fiery serpent that killed many of them (Num. 21: 1 – 6). Many of us are like these Israelites today. Soon God has delivered us from death in the hands of our enemies or terrible sicknesses; soon we turn to complain against Him for not done another thing for us instantly. If not for His mercy, we would be dying in millions every day.
JEHOVAH my Father, forgive me of my sin for refusing to appreciate your wonderful provisions for me in this world. There is nothing I have earned by my strength or wisdom. I open my mouth to say thank you Mighty and ever loving Father in Jesus name.