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Divine visitation is when heaven intervenes in the affairs of man to bring about a drastic turnaround in people’s situation. When God visits you, promises and prophecies come into manifestation, wilderness is turned into a fruitful field. It is a period when your expectations are delivered to you in the presence of God. When you missed your time of visitation and encounter, frustration is eminent._

Psalm 33:8-9, “Let all the earth fear the lord, because He spake and it was done.” Whatever God speaks concerning you is a settled matter. Gen. 28:1-5, Abraham received a visit from God and that very day, the barrenness he has battled with for years disappeared completely, and laughter came suddenly into his home. Gen 32:24, 30, God visited Jacob and changed his name from Jacob to Israel. He also changed his destiny; his brother Esau that has been hunting to kill him, when he saw him finally, he embraced and kissed him instead.

He visited Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were thrown into the fiery furnace. In the darkest hour of the night when the disciples were in a boat and there was a storm, Jesus came to them walking on the Sea. When your trouble is toughest, that is when God will visit, don’t give up your faith.

The eyes of our God are too pure to behold iniquity. He doesn’t visit where sin is enthroned. God cannot visit you except you are willing to give up your old and dirty lifestyle and embrace the new life in Christ. Luke 19:1-10, Zacchaeus was a terrible sinner, but deep within him his heart was crying out for God. He desperately wanted to see Jesus; he had to climb a tree so that he could see Jesus._ Jesus saw his readiness to yield his heart to God; he called him down and said,” Zacchaeus, I am going to have lunch in your house today.” Why don’t you let go of your sins so that God can visit you today?


= Lord, I am not worthy; make me worthy of your blessings.
= Help me let go of every sinful habits so that You can visit me.
= Let my heart be pure enough for the spirit of God to dwell in.


God is giving me a new name. I have encountered divine visitation and my story is changed for good forever in Jesus Name.

CONTACT US: You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com


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