Spread the love

In reading through Psalm 136 it will be discovered that the phrase “For His steadfast love endures forever” appeared about 26 times. It seems a repetition to an ordinary mind, but to the writer, given it numerous times means God had shown him love a lot. In many ways, God has been forgiving us, fighting battles for us, providing for us, preserving us and guiding us in our ways. What underlines all these God is doing for us is LOVE. His LOVE is not in a periphery but sincere and steadfast. One problem this devotional sees with human beings is how they are likely not responding to God’s steadfast love. Human beings are supposed to respond in appreciation to God’s steadfast love extended to them at every time.

In responding to God’s love we are to grasp the love. This means holding on to His Love for us. Trying times may come, sickness may show forth, death of the loved ones may occur where the devil will mock at us, yet we are to be steadfast in believing that God loves us. Grasping means hold on tenaciously. We must value and trust His LOVE for us tenaciously no matter what. Since He who is loving us never grows weary, we must not on our part grow weary. Another way to respond to God’s steadfast love is personalizing God’s steadfast LOVE. We are to know that God’s steadfast love is dedicated to us Christians personally. We are not to view God’s love on others higher and more valuable than that which He shows to us.

The steadfast Love which God shows to mankind is never cheap. God’s love to mankind is very costly and we must see it exact that way. When viewed critically, everything we receive from God is costly. No part of our body is cheap. The air we are breathing in is not cheap. The blood flowing in our inside is not cheap. Living daily going about our businesses is not cheap. Until we know that God’s steadfast love which endures forever is costly, and we in turn respond in valuing the love in like nature, we are not responding to His Steadfast LOVE. The last to mention in responding to God’s steadfast love that endures forever is giving Him THANKS every time, every day and continuously. The first three verses in the passage begin with “Give thanks to the LORD for He is good”; “Give thanks to the God of gods” and “Give thanks to the LORD of lords…” before the phrase “His steadfast love endures forever.


FATHER OF LOVE, make me see reason to value your steadfast love you have for me. Grant me a grateful heart to enable me appreciate your love for me steadily in Jesus name.


I reject spirit of ingratitude in my life. I will see God’s steadfast Love upon my life every day. Halleluiah!


You can contact us for prayer requests or discussion through ubasimon341@gmail.com


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