DAILY HOPE DEVOTIONALS: APRIL 10TH TOPIC: THE BITTER WATERS MADE SWEET. Scripture Reading: Exodus 15: 22 – 25; Psalms 63: 1 – 5.
After the deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptian enslavement; then the crossing of the Red Sea on dry ground, and the drowning of the Egyptian army. The people expected that the rest of the journey will be without incident; but that is not how life works. Sometimes there will be ups and downs, after a spiritual victory, we may go on to experience sickness, loss, isolation, persecution, economic hardships, and the list goes on. Yet, God offers a remedy for life’s bitter water. He led his people into the wilderness of Shur, for three (3) days, i.e. 33 miles’ journey and they found no water.
In the course of my research, I came across an article on the “survival rule of 3’s’ that says; Human being can go about 3 minutes without air, if you don’t get air after 3 minutes you will die. People can survive about 3 hours in extreme, super-hot or cold weather without help. You can survive about 3 weeks without food. And lastly, you can go about 3 days without water. So water is very important for survival. The Israelites were worried because if they don’t get water soon, they were going to die. Then they saw water from a distance, they walk up to it; with excitement that they have finally found what they were looking for!
But alas, when they drank the water it was bitter, they were unable to drink it. So Moses asked God what to do. And God showed him a tree which he casted into the waters and it was made sweet. God can be trusted at all times, and in all circumstances. He is always in control. Therefore, the people drank the water at Marah and continue their journey. Whatever situation you find yourself, just believe that it’s not intended to kill you, but that the name of the Lord to be glorify at the end.
God showed Moses a tree, and he also shows us a tree at Calvary; the cross upon which Jesus died. That symbol of bitter death on the cross has been transformed into a symbol of sweet hope and redemption by the blood of Jesus Christ to those who are overwhelmed with the bitterness of sin. That cross (the tree) that Jesus hung upon is the remedy for any trouble we may encounter. That sour/bitter marriage can be sweet again. That bitter/sour life situation can be sweet again. Only believe, all things are possible to those that believe. God knows that you can’t do without water, even though it’s been 3 days already without water; He will not allow you to die. You are about discovering water that will guarantee your survival very soon.
I ask for grace for perseverance no matter how difficult a situation may be, help me o Lord to keep on trusting you until you intervene for me.
- (revmrspatienceudenyi@hopealivechurch)