In this passage of Ezekiel, the Bible made it clear why God made Prophet Ezekiel a watchman over the people of Israel in Judah. By this appointment, Ezekiel was saddled with the responsibility of taking God’s warning to the wicked people of Israel. Ezekiel 3: 15 – 16 will inform readers that the characteristic Prophet Ezekiel developed as a watchman was spiritual sensitivity. He went visiting his people who were in exile living at Tel Abib, near the Kebar River. On getting there he sat with them quietly saying nothing for seven days. Within the seven days, Prophet Ezekiel had seen enough of the wickedness the people were practicing. It was at time he was watching quietly that God met him and appointed him a watchman over the people.
By making Prophet Ezekiel a watchman over the people of Israel in Judah, he was to warn whoever God shows him of such individual’s wicked acts. If Ezekiel should fail in going to deliver the message, God will require the blood of the person from Prophet Ezekiel’s hand. We can see the seriousness of being a watchman over rebellious nation here. When God sends you to go warning them and you refused, God will require the blood of the people from your hand if they die in their sins. Prophet Ezekiel knew the implication when God said He will hold him accountable for the death of any he refused to go and warn should that person die. In Hebrew culture, any watchman who failed in his duty to raise alarm when enemies are coming will be put to death.
Present age Christians should see God’s expectation of them in watching over the world, warning it of the danger of incurring the wrath of God by sinning recklessly. They are not to keep quite over the wickedness of people going against God deliberately, as we are seeing these days. If we watch them and complacently refused to warn them of their sins, God will certainly hold us accountable for their blood. We can only be exempted after we have warned them as God directed. Christian heads and senior Christians have great assignment in these our days. There should be need to preach against wickedness of people, tell the world what God says about His wrath prepared against any wicked. The sure conclusion about this is seen in what God says, that: “The souls that sinneth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18: 20).”
FATHER JEHOVAH, I fear greatly to be joined with the wicked, receiving the same wrath of their sins. Kindly enable me to receive grace to warn them against their wicked ways in the name of Jesus Christ.