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God had created all mankind in sizes, shapes, heights, colours and various distributions of gifts and talents. When it comes to time, God gave every one of us equal time. Every human being has 24 hours daily. The use of time is therefore, the greatest areas we are to adequately organize our lives for desired accomplishment in the world. There is much to say about an organized life and use of time. This devotional will compress the vital points for lack of space. The most successful person in self-organization is one who manages time properly, scheduling his/her activities within the time frame all through the day. Ephesians 5: 15 – 16 talks about redeeming the time. Life is full of activities, events and circumstances that demands knowing how to allocate times so as to be able to do things without wasting your day. Many people who cried against losing their valuable early years are those who failed to plan their times doing what they were supposed at a right time.

Apostle Paul told his hearers to “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise…” (Eph. 5: 15 KJV). This means that they are “to look around” instead of walking about like fools. It means “to watch and look carefully, to be vigilant and mindful”. Every passing time has a hidden message, either warning us of what we are missing or reminding us of what to so as to make best use of the time. Amplified Bible Version says this: “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as unwise and witless, but as wise – sensible, intelligent people; making the very most of the time – buying up each opportunity…”(Eph.5: 15-16 NIV). Self-organized person knows the language of every passing time and never allow it pass by without making good use of the time.

As seen in Ecclesiastes 3: 1 the Bible says: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” (KJV). The message from Ecclesiastes 3: 1 simply says that everything has its own time and we must know when that time comes so we can do the very thing contains in the time. As a Christian, you are not allowed to waste any time on unworthy thing. It is wisdom to know how long you engage someone in conversations. It takes wisdom not to waste your whole day watching films, movies or choice programme on television. The devotional subscribes that every Christian should know how to “make good use of his/her time.” It actually takes an organized life to make good use of one’s time.


HOLY SPIRIT OF JEHOVAH, to every normal mind, anything done within any time is useful. But to the spiritually wise one, there is a special usefulness in any time. Direct my mind to the best thing to do in the given time of my life in Jesus name.


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