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Many people are hated not because they are wicked. One’s personal disposition in life could attract opposition’s hatred. Most often, one is hated, persecuted and subjected to frustration when it is seen that he or she is exceptionally blessed in all things. The story of Isaac and the people of Philistine under the rulership of King Abimelech as captured in Genesis 26: 1 – 31 exemplified this scenario. Isaac was to go to Egypt with his people, but the LORD told him to stay in Gerar because He will bless Isaac there. Isaac began to plant and harvesting his crops in many folds. King Abimelech developed hatred on him. He dug water-wells and was pursued from them. At last, Isaac left Gerar and went to Beersheba. There, he became more prosperous. At a time, King Abimelech met Isaac with some of his men and made peace with Isaac. They told Isaac that they decided for reconciliation because they had seen he is “Blessed of God.”

This devotional series will be looking at what it is to become “The Blessed of the LORD.” Evidence before King Abimelech before saying Isaac was the blessed of the Lord were very crystal. Isaac sowed in the land which the natives sowed and reap nothing and he reaped in hundred folds same year. Before their eyes Isaac began to prosper till he became very rich and wealthy. The Philistines seized all the wells Isaac father’s servants dug plus the two his servants dug. These evidences really showed Isaac was “The Blessed of the LORD.” The Blessed of the LORD might not see self that way, but those who live close to him/her will be seeing evidences of being blessed. One evidence people know that one is blessed of the LORD is that such a person will be reaping blessing upon blessing without experiencing obvious sorrows.

Dealing with the meaning of the word “blessed” as found in the Old and New Testaments is considered not too binding as the devotional is concentrating on the physical evidences of the blessed person. Because of this, references will be made to few meanings which portray the focus of the devotional. There is the Hebrew word “esher” which the English word ‘blessed is derived from. This word means “happiness or how happy is someone. This is seen in Psalm 32: 1-2 saying: “Blessed is he whose transgression Is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputed not iniquity and whose spirit there is no guile” (KJV). And from the New Testament, corresponding Greek word “eneulogeo” produced the English derived word “Blessed” which means to speak well of. In all, we can conclude that the “Blessed of the LORD” here is one with evidences of happiness or one people speak well of due to the comfortable positions the individual is found in. Tomorrow devotional will expatiate more on this.


HOLY SPIRIT, shine upon my heart and mind, better understanding of who is blessed of the LORD in the name of Jesus Christ. LORD JESUS, reveal to my heart and mind real meaning of the word “Blessed” you used in the beatitudes. Amen.


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