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As seen in yesterday’s devotional, the world has had a long history of wars while looking for peaceful world, where every person will be moving in peace without fear of being killed. Observations show there might never be peace in this world. Year by year wickedness is giving birth to dangerous wars resulting to killings of thousands and millions of people. In the beginning, the wars were among nations, religious groups, tribal people and groups of people of secret societies. Presently, terrorism, banditry, hijacking, kidnapping and hired assassins are been introduced. Far back 1971 a document quoted one William J. Casey, Director of US Central Intelligent Agency saying that terrorism “…has become a pitiless war without borders.” He noted that within the circles of 1971 only a fewer than two dozen persons were kill in a year by terrorists.

Terrorism and its related crimes, in the 19th to 20th centuries began to stretch its arms of death over thousands and millions of people across the globe every year. There is nowhere peace is at sight. Space will not allow us see some deaths taken by terrorism, hijackings, assassinations and suicide bombings A document published in 2001 quoted one respected military historian, John Keegan, saying that 50,000,000 have died in war then, by use of cheap, mass-produced weapons and small caliber ammunitions. The numbers have tripled today. The irony is that, we are thinking the developed countries that have designed and manufactured weapons and assorted wars arsenals will want world dreamed peace. Biblically speaking, God allows this. He created weapons manufacturers for killing people who have given themselves to wickedness (Isa. 54: 16).

As Christians, we know that achieving peace is possible. The world is seeing these troubles because she refuses to accept God’s stipulated kind of peace. The more the world refuses to embrace the gospel of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, peace will keep eluding her. Amongst many Christians, peace is reigning in them already. Christians are custodians of peace. They have peace of the mind, emotional balance which is peace and are not given to destructive anxieties and ambitions. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to give the world peace. Jesus said: “Peace leave with you; my peace I give you (John 14: 27). It is possible to argue that some Christians are not living with peace. Answer to this is that, those who are genuinely repentant Christians have peace in their hearts. God gave them the peace that the Bible says “Surpasses all understanding” which is our topic of discussion tomorrow.


BLESSED FATHER, grant me the knowledge of knowing the peace you have for your children on the earth in the name of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, make discern what God’s kind of peace looks like in my heart in Jesus name.


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