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The biggest moral issue in the world is telling the truth. Every man or woman struggles with telling truth, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. One can conveniently say that telling of truth is the hardest thing to do by human beings. It is very hard to find one who never lied and keep telling the truth on this earth. So many of us tell little lies, bend issues in defending ourselves; relations, bosses or our country. If order to arrest and convict liars is given, most people in this world will go to jail. Lying, from beginning of life has been in practice for ages past. In the Bible, significant numbers of great servants of God have lied in one form or the other. Funny enough, God never desires that human beings should lie to Him or to one another. In several places, God tells people not to lie or speaks against lying and its consequences in the Bible.

Today devotional is on Christians and truth telling. As Christians and children of God, we are to be truthful because God is truthful. He never lied and will not lie (Titus 1: 2). Christians are not to lie or take side with anything that bears resemblance of falsehood. Reason the Bile condemned bearing false witness against anyone or lying to one another (Exod. 20: 16; Lev. 19: 11). Christians are to be truthful always because truth is a moral principle to be followed if we must be in a close relationship with God. As Christians, it is mandatory to note that one of the attitudes to maintain in keeping faith with God is speaking words of truth. We are not expected to do anything contrary to telling the truth (2 Cor.13: 8).

The world system is aware that truth is key to every system, yet the world treats truth next to nothing. Leaders are made to take oath of offices and to swear allegiance using Bible or other religious books saying that they will be honest, God fearing and transparent in the leaderships. Anyone who goes to court to defend self or as accused person swears to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. At the end of it all false testimonies and falsified evidences will dominate the legal proceedings. Truth has suffered greatly under human leaderships. But still love truth but hates lying tongues. We Christians must live by telling the truth.


BLESSED FATHER, make me a custodian of truth in this world, even though many are not willing to abide in truth in the name of Jesus Christ.


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