HOPE DEVOTIONAL: JANUARY 10 ABILITY TO STAND FIRM (1). Scripture: Ephesians 6: 12 – 13
Christianity is not bed of roses right from its inception. Jesus Christ has not told us that being a Christian goes along with glorious occurrences. No senior minister of God has promised that either. Christianity is full of challenges. We are being promised that Christianity is purely spiritual warfare. This means as long as we are alive, forces of darkness will surely rise against us. The more temptations that come on our ways the more our ability to stand firmly should be in our Spiritual strength. Christians are in spiritual warfare, our daily struggling is with “principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”.
We must know therefore, that the intentions of the spiritual enemies are to cause us not making heaven. There is need therefore, to do everything at our disposal to stand firm. To stand firm we have to put on ourselves the armor of God. No Christian wins spiritual battle with the flesh. Christianity these days has more Christians who are flesh believers and not Holy Spirit filled believers. Many Christians are easily carried away by winds of doctrines. They allow themselves held down by sweet tongues of certain preachers instead of developing their spiritual knowledge to understand spiritual ways to wrestle their wrestlers. Many Christians so much depend on the anointing of their Pastors that they hardly do anything on their own to stand firm. The lead passage today concludes that “…And having done all, to stand.” We must do all by ourselves first.
Regrettably, all Christians know the armor of God as belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, gospel of peace, shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. These things are to be Spiritual dresses and not for verbal proclamations. They are to be in the hearts and not in the heads of the Christians. With all the evils multiplying many Christians are still adamant of the evil manipulations around them. The angels of darkness have introduced many schemes as baits for Christians. Several money grants, marketing networks, network investments and so many others are there now that Pastors, General Overseers with their members are registering with. We have to check all these in Spirit realm if we are to stand firm.
Today’s devotional is simply saying that not everything that glitters is gold. We must be spiritual enough to stand against evil source of wealth. We can stand firm by approaching things in Spirit realms these days. Is really a shameful thing for Pastors, General Overseers and members of churches falling prey of money doublers and other cybercrimes.
Few Prayer points: –
1. Pray that you are not overcome by the evil manipulations going round these day.
2. Ask God to enable you His armor in the Spirits and not in head knowledge in Jesus name.
3. Ask the Holy Spirit of God to lead you into taking decisions before joining any money investments in Jesus name.
Statement of confession: –
I am in the armor of God; I am an overcomer at all time.