I wish to start by acknowledging the fact that every human being is confronted with one major sickness, affliction, spiritual attack, physical challenge, emotional and spiritual depression at regular intervals. Any of these can be said to be a case upon an individual. This is to say that no human being is without a peculiar problem. All these problems are cases which demoralise or diminish people’s joy in life. These cases are insurmountable when looked upon with human face and mind. The quickest ways satan and his associates draw people away from God is by bombarding them with cases of various magnitudes.
The major focus of this devotional is to charge us on a single truth. The truth is that Jesus has sufficient power to settle any case or problem facing us in life if only we can allow Him. The devotional is armed with redirecting our faith and hope to cast all our problems, burdens and anxieties upon Jesus. Jesus invites all of us to bring our loads of life to Him as He is ready to help us carry them (Matt. 11: 28 – 30). Apostle Peter asked us to cast all our cares upon Jesus for He is able to bear them for us (1 Pet. 5: 7). Jesus is the only and sure hope of our glory who; can change our infamous situations to glorious appearances (Col. 1: 27).
Jesus Christ is so much equipped with Power that the Bible says “…at the mentioning of His name every knee shall bow (that is all power will bow) must bow and every tongue (every pronounced problems upon you) will confess Jesus as Lord (Phil. 2: 10 Amplified Bible). Your cases cannot be different from those who died and He raised them back to life; the lepers who got healed, the young boy whose wine finished at the middle of his wedding who got the best wine at His intervention and many others. Every case facing us can easily be solved by Jesus.
Jesus settled the financial problem of His disciples when they were to be arrested for not paying taxes. He can settle your financial burdens. Jesus saved the life of those in the boat amidst the storms. He will rescue you from storms of indebtedness as well as perennial sicknesses and diseases. If we trust Jesus enough, He can easily settle our cases. Our major problems lie with not trusting Jesus and God enough when taking cases to them in prayers. If perhaps you reading this devotional have a case tormenting you, know now that your case too is easy for Him. Please, against whatever weight of your case, hand it over to Jesus today with faith and positive hope of getting it resolved. The result will surprise you
1. Lord Jesus, I tap into your Power today, casting all my problems and burdens upon you. I cannot carry them no more.
2. In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak to all evil kingdoms of my community, my family and those of the world to fly out of my body, business, career etc., today.
3. I speak to every withered situation in my life to be restored today in Jesus name.
All things are possible to them that believe. I believe in Jesus’ powers and I believe my cases are easy for Him. Hallelujah!!!