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Over times in history, weaker persons, nations or tribes looked for protections from people they believed are stronger or more powerful than their tormentors. Yesterday’s devotional pointed at this, when God revealed to Prophet Isaiah, how woe will fall upon the Ethiopians and the Cushites tormenting the Israelites. God released this information to Prophet Isaiah, knowing that the Israelites were already forming alliance with Assyrians to enable them conquer the Ethiopians and the Cushites. As mentioned in yesterday’s devotional, people tend to shift trust from God towards human beings during serious time of torture and oppressions. This ought not to supposed be!

As Christians, we should get closer to God no matter the gang up and terror – looking plans posted against us. God said it in Isaiah 45: 15 – 17 that He will always scatter our enemies gathering against us since the gathering is not from Him. While they are gathering and planning, God will raise counter enemies who will scatter them and also causes their weapons become ineffective and dysfunctional. We must therefore, decease from forming alliance with unbelievers no matter the strengths we think they have. The tormentors may seem unconquerable, intimidating and insurmountable, but at the arising of God the Almighty, they will be turned to vegetables in the hands of those God will raise against them. God used these methods on Ethiopians and the Cushites. He first raised Assyrians to defeat them, then used His angels to kill the Assyrians soldiers, about 185,000 of them at once, making the Ethiopians and the Cushites to bring gifts to the Israelites (Isa.18: 7; 45: 14).

The God we serve has been defeating formidable enemies of His children and will continue to do so for us. Besides the 185,000 Assyrians soldiers God’s angels killed, there are other instances fought for the Israelites. For instance:

(1). God killed King Pharaoh and his army and horses in the Red Sea to deliver the Israelites (Exod. 14: 26 – 28).

(2). He defeated the Amalekites in the battle of Rephidim while Moses held up his staff (Exod. 17: 8 – 14).

(3). When Joshua was invited to fight the Amorites who rose against the Gebonites; God assured Joshua of defeat (Joshua 9: 8). God did it in favour of Joshua (Joshua 10: 9-10).

In all these, God fought alone while the Israelites trusted Him unshaking. He will still do that for us in these days of global hate, threat and out pour of wrath on Christians and other innocent people without provocations. You are urged to keep trusting Him, believing in His Almighty Power while praying to Him for His interventions.


ALL POWERFUL FATHER, look at the plights of Christians living on the earth under ganged up enemies. The planned battles look intimidating and we are not to use carnal weapons. Please fight the fights for us and let the world knows we are yours, in JESUS NAME!!


The rage and propaganda of the ganged up over us is before God. I know I will soon see their defeats. Amen and Amen!!


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