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We are about discussing idolatry which is one of the oldest violated instructions given to mankind by God. Idolatry stands the oldest practices amongst human beings on the earth. It is also one of the most debated topics in Christian teachings. Issue of idolatry is seen differently from society to society. Many people see it as a no go area since idolatry forms the fabrics of many societies and cultures. Idolatry has spread across many religious bodies, so modernized that it is vaguely seen or noticed as a serious matter. However, idolatry stands as the greatest sin against God as against how human beings see it.

Today’ series on this topic dwells much on the Biblical view of idolatry. Descriptions of what is idolatry will be based on the secular meaning as well as the biblical meanings for clearer understanding. A Web Dictionary called “The Free Dictionary” gives three outstanding descriptions of idolatry. One, it is “the religious worship of idols.” Two, it is an excessive devotion to something. Three, it is giving “too great admiration to a thing or a person.

Biblical descriptions of idolatry from two Bible Dictionaries settled for general worshipping of things such as trees, rivers, hills, stones etc. Second area is worshipping of nature like the sun, moon, the stars, Hero as well as deceased ancestors. These descriptions show that when one starts giving excessive devotion to images, natures and human beings, act of “idolatry is established.

Practices of setting up images of deity to worship other than God are idolatry. Christians regard such worship as paganism, fetishism and total rejection of God who deserves our worship. God is He who gave the instruction to those who believe in Him when He said: “You shall not have any other gods before me; you shall not make for yourself a carved image  any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that in the water under the earth…” (Exod. 20: 3-5 NJKV). God commanded that: “He who sacrifices to any god, except the LORD only shall be utterly destroyed” (Exod. 22:20 NKJV).

We will, in this series, look into several ways idolatry is being practiced in the churches, using descriptions of “idolatry” as giving greatest devotions to things as well as human beings, to the extents that our minds and trusts are shifted from God. We will look into how idolatry is found amongst Christians, by giving greater recognitions to materialism, titles, wealth and riches that are been allowed to occupy our hearts and minds, more powerfully than the persons of God the Almighty, the LORD Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

The stand of this devotional is, anything done that removes the Person’s mind from God while shifting the mind and trust to other things, even for two to three minutes is regarded sin of idolatry. At the end of the discussion, we will see where Christians are still guilty of idolatry. Things mentioned in this devotional tend to warn us than to judge us anyway.


HOLY FATHER, I am grateful to you as you are about restoring me and your church back to you. Make me willing to understand everything about idolatry objectively rather than subjectively, in Jesus name.


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